"What you all gossiping about?" Mel asks and Dakota blushes. "They've just informed me that it's been a while.. since they.." Sam makes a face and Mel's eyes widen. "Well.. that's a bit too much info" she laughs and Dakota nudges her, laughing too.

"We don't really need to know what goes on in the bedroom.. but we would like another grand baby soon" Mel winks and Sam nods frantically. "Yes! Yes please" she laughs and Dakota gazes up at me. "Soon ladies... soon" I say, stroking Dakota's cheek as they both gush over us.

"You two are perfect for each other.. I'm so happy for you both" Sam hugs us both together as Mel agrees. "Daddy grandpa said it's time for you and Dakota to dance" Dulcie runs to us, holding Dakota's hand "okay baby we're coming" I lean to kiss her head, walking over to the dance floor where all the guests have crowded around.

Dakota passes Charlotte to Don after kissing her head, and Dulcie stands by Mel and my sisters as I take Dakota's Hand, leading her to the dance floor. She holds the bottom of her dress with her spare hand as we position ourselves on the dance floor. My arm around her waist whilst her hand rests on my shoulder, our other two hands locked together.

The music starts.. 'perfect' by Ed Sheeran playing through the speakers as I hold her close and together to move and sway to the music playing. I gaze down at my beautiful girl as she looks up at me, smiling shyly before placing her head back on my chest.

The spotlight is just on us, the music all around us.. for a second I'm so glad we had a few dance lessons so we could practice. Dakota squeezes my hand softly, catching my attention as she leans to kiss me softly.

"When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful, I don't deserve this, darling you look perfect tonight" I whisper to her and her eyes glisten with tears, grinning. I'm sure my grin matches hers.

For our final move I spin her out and she giggles girlishly as I spin her back into my arms and dip her low slightly, grinning down at her as she giggles breathlessly in my arms. Everybody cheers and applauses us as I help Dakota stand, kissing her lovingly on the lips.

The next song starts and every other couple joins us in the dance floor. My dad and Sam, Mel and Antonio, Don and Kelley, Grace, Stella and their boyfriends join as Christina Perri begins to sing 'A thousand years'.

Dakota wraps both her arms around me as we sway softly to the music, my arms around her too; holding my beautiful wife close. She gazes up at me near the end, softly singing it to me. 'Darling don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more' she sings and my heart beats faster.

My eyes fill with tears as I lean down and kiss her lovingly, giving her everything I have to offer. We pull away when Dulcie runs to us. "Eeeew" she giggles loudly and I gasp, lifting her into my arms as we leave the dance floor. "So cheeky!" Dakota gasps, tickling her sides as my sister brings Charlotte to us, passing her to me.

"My three girls look absolutely amazing today.." I say, kissing each of their heads, Dulcie grins at me and Charlotte squeals, giggling cutely. "And our favourite guy in the world looks so handsome today" Dakota grins and I blush slightly, kissing her softly as Antonio walks over.

"There's my gorgeous granddaughter" he coos, stroking Charlotte's cheek. He's never met Dulcie and I watch her as her body language changes, she goes quiet. "Papa.." Dakota starts, lifting Dulcie onto her hip. "This is Jamie's little girl Dulcie" she says lovingly, a look of pride on her face as she watches Dulcie smile shyly.

"Aren't you a beauty! Hello darling" he grins, kissing her cheek. "Hello" Dulcie giggles shyly "this means I have another granddaughter to spoil rotten" he taps her nose gently and she laughs, I watch them, grinning widely. "Dakota I thought Don was your daddy?" She frowns a bit up at Dakota. "Oh he is baby, but..." Dakota sits at the table near us and Antonio takes a seat by me when I sit next to Dakota.

Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan) - You're The One...Where stories live. Discover now