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Day 8

"Hey hey Didi!" Dylan mengejar Didi yang hendak masuk ke tendanya.

Didi yang mendengar namanya dipanggil langsung berbalik badan. "Hey what happen?"

"Are you busy now?" Tanya Dylan.

"Not really. Why?"

"I.. I need to talk to you. About Shanice." Didi langsung mengerutkan keningnya.

"Wh- what happen with her??" Didi sangat penasaran mengapa Dylan ingin berbicara tentang Shanice.

"I want ask you something." Dylan diam sejenak "about her." Lanjut nya dengan nada yang sangat serius.

"Okay." Didi menyetujui permintaan lelaki tersebut.

"So what the question?" Tanya Didi memulai pembicaraan mereka.

"How long have you known Shanice?" Dylan memulai pertanyaannya.

"More than five years I think. She is my friend in middle school. then when we were in high school, we separated. We met again when we started working." Jelas Didi.

"How she's like?"

"She is lil bit tomboy, Fabulous, strong women. Yea .. She is strong independent women." Ucap Didi menggambarkan sosok Shanice.

"She told me she hates all of the boys. When I asked why, she said she had a bad past." Didi langsung menatap Dylan serius.

"Oh my God, she still thought about that." Ucap Didi sambil memegang keningnya.

"Why?? Thought about what??"

"Starting from her studies until now, she has always failed at romance. She is always hurt by men. Every time she has a relationship or just loves someone, she is very sincere. But every man always makes her hurt. Even his own father." Dylan menyimak kata demi kata yang diucapkan Didi.

"She was always sad, why she was always betrayed by men. While her friends did not experience things like her. But because she was often hurt by her heart, she became accustomed. Even now she still doesn't want to try to open her heart to someone. Because she is traumatized. Because she doesn't want to be a fool just because of love." Dylan menatap lawan bicaranya mencoba memahami.

"Does she have a grudge against the men?" Tanya Dylan sambil melipat kedua tangannya di depan dada.

"She is not vindictive. But I'm glad she knows you, Dylan."

Dylan mengangkat alisnya sebelah. "Why?"

"I guess she has a crush on you, but is still afraid to fall in love. Try to get her heart, you will be the luckiest man." Ucap Didi dengan muka seperti meyakinkan Dylan.

"You said, her father also hurt her. What is going on?"

"About that, I can't tell you. Ask her directly." Dylan mengangguk sambil mencoba berfikir.

"Anything else you want to ask?" Tanya Didi memastikan.

"I think enough. Thank you so much Didi." Didi mengangguk lalu kembali ke tendanya.


"Claire, I need someone to fix this damn tool." Salah satu alat komunikasi militer sedang bermasalah saat itu. Smith membutuhkan seseorang yang sangat mengerti dengan mesin.

"I don't know for sure who could. But I think I know who can help you." Claire lalu mengeluarkan Handphone nya dan mencoba untuk menelfon Shanice.

Risk It All // Dylan O'Brien [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now