Chapter 3: Consent

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During dinner, Gregory wondered how to put to words his plan, and how to ask his son whether he would accept Judge Bellanova's proposal. He wanted his son to understand the possible risk involved in this without scaring him. It was like skating on thin ice.

"Is something wrong, father?" Miles' voice interrupted his thoughts. His grey eyes sparkled with concern. That was what made Gregory realise that he hadn't even touched his food. "No son, nothing's wrong." He replied. He started to eat, aware of Miles' eyes discreetly focused on him from the other side of the table. Gregory put down his spoon, and looked at his son, determined to tell him. He couldn't avoid this inevitable conversation.


The boy looked up at him. "Yes, father?"

"You understand that being a defense attorney, I sometimes end up facing off against people who might be dangerous, right?"

His grey eyes filled with concern once more. "I do, father."

"But I still do it because I believe I need to stand up for those who have no one on their side. You know that too."

"Of course, father." Gregory could tell that he was catching on, that Miles could tell he was trying to tell him something potentially dangerous.

"Well, sometimes some of these people do not live in the same place as we do, but they still need such help. Such a person has reached out to me."

Miles' posture grew even more erect, although it had been perfect before, his eyes widening. "Will you have to go somewhere, father? Out of the state?" There was a slight quiver in his voice, though he tried very hard to suppress it.

"Out of the country. To Italy. But, I'm not going to leave you alone, son." Gregory said warmly. "What kind of a father would that make me? No, I was thinking that you could come with me."

Miles' eyes sparkled with joy. "Really?" He asked breathlessly. "You mean that?" Gregory could stop a smile from slipping on to his face at Miles' enthusiasm, but the grim situation he, they could possibly end up in made it disappear. "I do. But, Miles, what I need you to understand is this; I have been asked to defend someone charged with murder." He paused for a moment, hesitating before continuing. " Serial murder." He internally cringed at his words. He didn't want to tell his 9 year old son all this. But he didn't have much of a choice. Such is life.

"If that person isn't the culprit, then it means that the actual culprit is still free, and would want someone else to take the blame. You'd be trying to make sure that doesn't happen, so he'd try to hurt me in order to stop you. That's what you're worried about, right?" Miles reasoned. If Gregory had ever doubted his maturity and ability to cope with such a situation, those doubts were now gone.

"That's right." He confirmed. "But, Judge Bellanova, who is also going to Italy as well, made me an offer. She said that she could look after you while I concentrated on the case. What she and I wanted to ask you, Miles, was: Would that be alright with you?"

" 'Would that be alright?' " Miles echoed. His eyes shone like twin orbs of silver. "Of course that'd be alright! I'd love to go with you, father. And I don't mind Ms. Bellanova looking after me. She's quite nice, actually." 

Gregory was surprised at his son's zealous outburst. It wasn't like Miles to be so expressive. He was a quiet, reserved child. Incredibly intelligent and mature, but not very forthcoming about his thoughts or feelings. So this was unexpected, but welcome.

"Alright, then." He said. "I'll tell her your decision." He couldn't help but smile. Miles didn't notice his father's expression, but looked excited and thoughtful as he continued to eat.

Gregory tucked Miles into bed and was about to retire for the night, but the sound of the landline stopped him. Who could be calling at this hour? He wondered.

He picked up the phone. "Gregory Edgeworth speaking." He said.
"I'm terribly sorry to call you at this hour, Mr. Edgeworth. It's me, Ms. Bellanova. I hope I'm not rushing you about this, but... What did Miles say, if you asked him?"
He sat down. "He agreed. He'll be coming with me."
A long, relieved sigh flowed from the other side to his ears. "Thank heavens." She sounded tired.
"Are you alright, Judge Bellanova?" He could imagine a weary smile on her face as she answered him.
"I'm alright, just exhausted. And, Mr. Edgeworth, you needn't call me Judge Bellanova. Ms. Bellanova will do." "Duly noted, Ms. Bellanova." He found himself smiling for some inexplicable reason.
"Thank you." She suddenly said. "What for?" He asked, surprised at her words.
"You could've just dropped this request. It is a little- no, quite- cumbersome. But you didn't. So, thank you." He could hear the hesitance in her voice.
"It's just my duty, Ms. Bellanova. I could not bring myself to just abandon someone who needs my help. If anything, I should being be thanking you for making this possible."
"Your modesty is refreshing, Mr. Edgeworth." He could hear the smile in her voice.
"So is yours, Ms. Bellanova." The words were out of his mouth before he knew it. Why did I say that? He thought. She laughed on the other end. Her laughter was warm, genuine and had a note of surprise.
"You're too kind, Mr. Edgeworth. But thank you. For what you said. For what you are doing."


Somehow he didn't want this conversation to end. "I shouldn't keep you up so late. Have some rest. I'll talk to you more about this tomorrow. I'll come to your office, 9 AM. Would that be alright?" There was a note of reluctance to her voice. So I'm not the only one.
"Yes, that'd be alright."

Silence again.

"Goodnight, Ms. Bellanova." "Goodnight, Mr. Edgeworth." He put down the phone and went into his room to finally go to sleep.

He found it a little difficult, as he kept replaying the conversation in his mind.

Oddly enough, so did a certain judge. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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