Massacre 2: Stopping the Train and a Fistfight!

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Oyakata: "Who is it, that you've brought Giyu...?"

Giyu: "He killed the giant Demon before I could do anything with very ruthless methods..."

Oyakata: "I see..."

Oyakata: "Would you care to introduce yourself, armored stranger..."

Then VEGA spoke replying to Oyakata...

VEGA: "I believe I can answer that..."

Oyakata: "And may I know who's voice is it...?"

VEGA: "I am VEGA, the suits A.I that helps the Doom Slayer to communicate..."

Oyakata: "If you wouldn't mind, what happened to the Slayer's voice..?"

VEGA: "He says that his vocal cords were clawed by a Demon..."

VEGA: "Though he has recovered, he no longer speaks, because he believes that it hinders his mission"

Oyakata: "What is his mission, if you don't mind me asking?"

VEGA; "His missions to exterminate all Demons in Hell and on Earth..."

Oyakata: "I believe that our goals align, so may I ask that we may cooperate with each other?"


Sanemi swung his sword but the Slayer simply held up his hand and blocked it!

Everyone's eyes widen as they saw the Slayer block the blade with his hand...

VEGA: "The Slayer, claims that he is a nice person at first, but nice can only go far when battling the armies of Hell for 11 Billion Years..."

Sanemi: "Prove it!"

Slayer Thoughts: 'Play it...'


Then everyone was shocked to see a projection of Slayer killing Demons Left and Right reducing to a fine Red Mist...

Rengoku: "If you are that tough, then I need your help on the Train mission"

Oyakata: "I'll permit it..."

VEGA: "The Slayer and I understand and will accompany you..."

---Time Skip---

The five Demon Slayers enter the train and after a while, everyone was fast asleep, except The Slayer...

The Demon that possessed the train tried to enter and capture Slayer, but little did the Demon know that the Slayer's dreams are filled with killing demons...

The Slayer stands up after noticing some kids that were armed with knives and took the knives, then crushed them with his bare hands...

The Slayer then proceeded to wake Zenitsu, Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Rengoku...

Rengoku: "Where's the Demon...?" 

VEGA: "I'm sensing Demonic Energy within the train..."

Rengoku: "How Vile!"

Rengoku then cuts a hole in the train

Rengoku: "Could you stop the train so everyone could evacuate?"

Slayer nodded and climb through the hole and stood on top of the train cart's roof!

Slayer then went to the from of the train and jumped down, then the Slayer held the train in place!

Tanjiro: "Woah! He's topping the whole train!"

Inosuke: "FIGHT ME!"

Zenitsu: "We could deal with that later!"

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