She was in the eastern wing of the manor and had to move to the western one which required a long way to be followed from the service door through the backyard. But then, the heap of clothes that she carried was too heavy and since they were all so clean and white, she could not bear the idea of what may happen if she accidently spilled them in the back alley.

She chose to go through the manor corridors. Besides, it was just eight in the morning and she doubted anyone from the guests to be up so soon.

It was a blunder.

Of late, as soon as she stepped into the polished passageway where the floors were wiped five times a day, she regretted coming here. A fear filled her.

She might stumble upon any superior.

She might run into a guest.

She might run into him. Lord Adelwood.

Her steps hastened but not much for the load she carried was too heavy and because she could not afford being noisy in the hallway full of all the guests rooms.

Thankfully, she transversed the region real quick and now was in the gallery of wing. She slowed down her pace and walked softly across the hall, glancing now and then at those wonderful art pieces the embellished the walls of it.

And then suddenly, at the end where the hall rounded into a circular studio, her eyes landed on something that checked her pace to a stoppage. A complete halt.

It was a painting.

A portrait.

Of Lord Stephen Richard Adelwood.

Without knowing it, she glided softly across the circular floor at the end of which, this huge masterpiece was situated.

It was wondrous, how the artist had so well captured in a frame a beautiful man with every aspect of his charm. The splendid green eyes with light locked in it, the boon of his lean tall figure, the way he held his head_ not too high to appear proud but not too low either, in grey tan trouser sand grey tailcoat. Even the dimple of his deep smile that made him look more man than anyone.

And that smile.

That smile which could make the world do anything over it’s magnificence.

So soft. So beautiful.

So not in her share.

She was mesmerized by his allure and that was what pained her the most. It was what made her weak. That she still admired him after all he had inflicted on her_ this was what made her a true inferior.

substandard woman.

Her fingers tightened their hold on the metallic rim of the tub that she held. She hated herself for ever dreaming a life with this man.

“A tempting man, isn’t he?”  The voice, sly and robust at the same time, and masculine, gave Eden a start and she spun on her heal to face a man, rich in cologne aroma and fashion, probably a guest staring at her with his hand folded at his back.

She lowered her eye as instantly as they met his and a hot blush rose upon her pale skin.

“I am sorry Sir. I didn’t mean….I was only…I_” Her voice died down in her throat for she herself didn’t had any idea what she was doing infront of Lord Adelwood’s portrait.

“Especially to young girls like you, he happens to be the protagonist of your midnight dreams.” The man continued, disregarding her embarrassment outright. “Tell me if I am wrong.”

She dared to look up at him from behind her thick lashes to find that he was already studying her.

“I was merely passing by, Sir.” She excused.

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