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It felt like you'd spent hours sitting on the edge of the bathtub, not-so-patiently waiting for the results of the pregnancy test you had just taken. Your nerves were getting the best of you, hands shaking and heart racing and you just couldn't calm down. Not with this because no matter what it said, your life was about to change. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest wildly, the sound of the cartoons Maggie was watching playing in the background. You'd gone to the store with her after picking her up from daycare when you were finished with work and decided that you couldn't wait any longer to take a test.

Tom was working late, so it was just you and Maggie for the night. After you fed her dinner, you turned on her favorite show, and ran to the bathroom, test in hand. She was a good kid, so you knew she wouldn't get into any trouble, even if you left her in the living room with a show on her own for a few minutes. So when you told her you'd be back soon, she barely even noticed that you'd left the room.

These had been the longest few minutes of your life, and you just wanted the results. You weren't sure what it would mean if you were pregnant, and honestly, the thought kind of scared you, but you were excited, too. Finally, the alarm on your phone when off, startling you out of your thoughts. The results were right there, waiting for you. Taking a deep breath you stood up, trying to prepare yourself for whatever result was on the little test in front of you. As you picked it up, you could feel your heart drop to your stomach, staring at the results until you just couldn't anymore.

It was too much and you were already exhausted; everything that happened over the last few weeks seemed to sneak up on you at that moment and all you wanted to do was sleep. To forget about the test and the fact that you took it without Tom. Forget that he still didn't know about any of it. Forget Amber and the paperwork that was sitting out on the coffee table, long overdue.

Letting out a sigh, you gathered all evidence of the test and put it into an empty makeup bag, where you knew Tom likely wouldn't find them until you were ready to tell him. Leaving the bathroom, you called out for Maggie who was quick to respond as soon as you mentioned cuddling in her daddy's bed. You knew how much she loved it and you could tell by the tiny bags under her eyes when she got down off the couch and ran over to you, that she was just as tired.

"Okay, Mumma," she mumbled out between a long yawn, making you giggle as you scooped her up in your arms, turned off the tv and all but the kitchen light so Tom could see when he got home and headed to bed.

After both of you had gotten into your pajamas, you crawled under the covers on your bed, pulling them up, and making sure Maggie was wrapped tightly underneath the covers. She was always a snuggler, and scooted close into your side, laying her head on your chest. No matter how you were feeling, this — Maggie, and being able to cuddle with her — could always make you feel better. This was why you had wanted to be pregnant. You wanted more of this.

Gently brushing Maggie's hair out of her face, you pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep as you hummed to her quietly, only stopping when you knew she was fast asleep. With Maggie asleep on your chest and the results of the test on your mind, all you could do was stare at the ceiling as you tried to breathe normally. One hand slid down to your stomach as you thought of all of the "what if's" and "could be's" until you eventually drifted off.

Tom had messaged you earlier that afternoon, letting you know that he was going to have to work late that evening. And really, that had been his plan. He was going to work as late as he needed to to get everything done, and then he'd go home to you and Maggie. But then, he finished earlier than expected and decided to take a detour on the way home. With everything going on between the two of you, and Amber showing up when she did, he found himself standing on the front porch of his childhood home, melting into his mum's arms as soon as she opened the door.

so long - t.s.h [sequel to pinky promises]Where stories live. Discover now