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Day two. It was only day two of your bed rest, after experiencing some Braxton Hicks contractions — most likely caused by stress, and on top of life, the thing with Isaac was extra stressful — and you already felt like you were going insane. To be fair, your doctor said that you just had to take it easy for the few weeks leading up to your due date, and not that you really had to be laid up in bed all day, but it was still hard. Especially with an active five-year-old, and a boyfriend who worked more than he should. And, of course, it was hard to relax when the encounter with Isaac was still fresh in your mind.

Tom, of course, had freaked out when you told him you were having contractions, even after you assured him that they were probably just Braxton Hicks since they weren't very regular. You agreed to see your doctor about it, just in case, but you were sure it was nothing to be too worried about. And you were right. If you'd thought that Tom was already spending too much time taking care of you, you were wrong. Once you were told to get some rest, he made sure to do everything for you. And as much as you appreciated it, it was driving you a little bit insane.

Anytime you so much as thought about moving or getting up, Tom appeared next to you, "You sit. What do you need? I'll get it for you."

"I need to pee, will you let me do that? Or do you have to join me for that, too?" you huffed, your annoyance taking over as you waved off his help and struggled for a few seconds to get off of the couch by yourself.

"Well... do you need help? 'Cause if you do, I'll help, love," Tom offered earnestly.

Again, as much as you loved him for it, you were losing your goddamn mind, "I can go to the bathroom by myself, Thomas. I'm not two."

In the bathroom, as you washed your hands, you realized that you'd unnecessarily snapped at Tom, and instantly felt bad about it. Settling into the couch once again, you reached out to grab Tom's hand, giving him a sheepish smile, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I know you're just trying to help."

Tom's fingers laced through yours, pulling your hand up to press a kiss to the back of it, "You don't have to apologize, sweetheart. I'm sorry, too. I can imagine it's frustrating."

You nodded as you gave his hand a squeeze, kicking your feet up onto the couch with a sigh, "I hate not being able to do stupid things like tie my shoes by myself, and now I'm not supposed to be doing anything at all, and I'm just feeling like a burden, so I'm sorry."

"Love, you're anything but a burden. You're growing an entire human inside of you, and I can't thank you enough for that. And there are only a few weeks left, so I know you can do it."

Somehow, just like always, Tom was able to calm you down. Scooting closer to him, you let out a deep sigh and placed your head on his shoulder, "Thank you, Tom." You pulled his hand that was already in yours closer to you, placing his hand against your belly right where you knew your little boy was curled up.


The one thing that was helping you get through the last few weeks of your pregnancy, other than your loving and overly-attentive boyfriend, was Maggie. On a normal day, she was already the most helpful kid you knew, so when Tom told her that you had to rest and that you and the baby would need some extra help, she was more than happy to help. Not only was she happy to run to the kitchen and fill up your water for you, but more importantly, she was okay with snuggling all day.

You explained to her that you couldn't get up to play much so that you could keep the baby safe, and her immediate reaction was to suggest a movie day. Just like you'd done for her when she was sick. She gave you a sympathetic smile, "Okay, mama. We can snuggle and watch movies instead?"

so long - t.s.h [sequel to pinky promises]Where stories live. Discover now