Chapter 1

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Robin POV

It was a clear, breezy night. There wasn't a single cloud in the pitch-black sky, but it was lit up by millions of stars, from all across the galaxy. The moon was up high, reflecting on the calm sea. The Going Merry was sailing peacefully on the ocean, rocking everyone into a deep sleep, everyone except me.

I was in the kitchen, reading one of my history books, doing all I can do to find out about the 'Void Century' in history. I had lit a candle even though there was a light in the kitchen. I don't want to disturb the others from their sleep, I thought, they need sleep much more than me. I flipped to another page. 

A bug flew in silently from the open door, it was big for a bug, around 5cm in length, 2cm in width, each colorless wing 3cm long. The bug was a grayish color that blended in perfectly in the dark. It locked its target on I, slowly flying closer and closer, like a tiger stalking its prey. 

"Itai! (Ouch)" I cried, my hands flying to my neck and lightly rubbing it with my fingers. At where the pain is, I felt a little dent. I stood up and walked around, looking for the guilty around the dark kitchen, but I couldn't find anything. "Huh..." I said to myself, "What's going on?"

The sharp pain faded as quickly as it came. I picked up my book and continued to read from where I left off. However, I can't seem to get into the book anymore, some words were just not making sense, and I was starting to feel drowsy. Weird, I thought, I had slept yesterday, I don't need to sleep at least until tomorrow...

So I stood up from my seat, let out a big yawn and stretched out my arms, planning to go to my shared room with Nami. However, A huge wave of tiredness quickly brought me back to my seat. I put my head down on the table and immediately fell into a deep sleep.


Sorry if this is not good, it's my first time writing something. Please give suggestions on what I can do better or what you want me to clarify. I know this is short, sorry.

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