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The recent Paganini vs. Liszt video that they uploaded only two days ago had already received over 280 thousand views, and it was sure to make it on their most popular list

And although this was a truly special video for the fans, what made it even more special was that Brett and Eddy truly liked it too.                                       

Now, Brett and Eddy had made countless videos in the past few years, gaining over two million subscribers, and creating a wonderful classical music platform for all people who liked comedy/classical music. But the videos that they truly cherished were from their uni days, the ones that they had a lot of fun making, the videos that best described who they were. These were the videos that truly showed they're emotions, and really helped anyone to know Brett and Eddy more.

Especially Eddy. And specifically the trauma that he was experiencing during those four gruesome and unexpected years at the conservatory.

If Eddy ever found the courage to reveal this story to anybody, he would immediately call Brett and ask him to tell it, because Eddy always had a hunch that he wasn't there mentally for those uni years, especially the first two, and he was proven right because whenever someone asked him to recall something small and unimportant from uni, Eddy would feel his mind go blank, and would often sit uncomfortably for a minute or two before making up an excuse for his lack of remembrance.

Brett, on the other hand, remembered those years quite well, and would often correct Eddy on missed details when he was telling stories from those years, as Brett was probably the only person who really knew exactly what Eddy was feeling during those hard times.


t's no secret that Eddy got nervous performing onstage, as most musicians do, and everyone who looked close enough at Eddy's problems always assumed that his stage fright was the reason for his anxiety. Brett wasn't just anyone though.

So, as I, the narrator, take you through Eddy's journey, keep in mind that he's a person too, and that anxiety can come in all shapes and forms. Enjoy ;)

**Ok, that was probably not the best start, but you can never have an end without a beginning.
Always open to comments :)**

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