Taunting and Regrets

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Cameron's POV

I immediately took a swing at him, ignoring the fact that we were both in a public space. This might be the best way to get revenge, have a whole audience to witness it.

"How dare you! After everything Petal has been through."

"It's okay, he's an old friend. I can handle this, no need for the police." Andrew said, turning to the bartender, who had the phone behind the bar in his hand.

"Awww look at that, her husband is here to save the day. What? She can't fight her own battles anymore?" Andrew taunted, focusing back on me.

"She's in the hospital, not that it's any of your business."

"Oh really? Complications with the pregnancy?" he asked, continuing to have that taunting tone in his voice.

"No, but like I said, it's none of your business."

"Ohh, she tried to commit suicide. Yeah she did that move on me before. It's a shame she would want to end her life after having such a perfect life. I mean with such a perfect husband and ohh those little kids. How many do you have now? 4?"

He was trying to get to me but I wasn't going to let that happen.

"You really think I was going to lose to a girl? I have had my people watching you all. Going from your best friend, Liam, was it? To your parents house, is that where the kids are now? You can't get rid of me that easily pretty boy. It's a shame that Petal is in the hospital and you're here."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, a little confused.

"If you lay a finger on my kids, I will personally kill you. You may have a problem with me and Petal but you keep those kids out of this." I said.

"Oh but who said anything about me doing anything. After all, I'm here with you and Petal is in the hospital. I don't work alone, remember that. So even if you do get rid of me, I still have so many more people working under me that will know exactly what to do if anything were to happen to me."

He continued: "Now if you'll excuse me, it's been a long day. I think I am going to go home and sleep."

He got up and walked out of the bar and I followed him.

"You're not going to get away with this, I can promise that."

"Who's going to stop me? You? Please, I think you should be more worried about what's going to happen later than trying to get rid of me--oops did I say that out loud? Oh well, you were bound to find out anyways."

Later, what was he talking about?

***********************************************************************************************Back at the hospital:

Petal's POV

The doctors had come by and told me that I was good to go. They made me promise to go see a psychiatrist, even recommending one and that seemed to satisfy them to let me go home. I was discharged and told the doctors that I was waiting on my husband, he had an emergency at work he had to take care of.

I called him and told him that they left me go and he seemed happy but distracted.

He said he would be here soon, that he was taking care of something. I hoped everything was alright. He sounded stressed and I knew this was all my fault.

A few minutes later I saw a man exit the elevator and asked a nurse for some help. The nurse then pointed to me and made his way over to me.

"Hi Petal. I'm James, Cameron's cousin. He asked me to pick you up." said James.

"I don't remember him ever talking about a cousin named James." I replied.

"That's weird. He told me all about you. Anyway, did you sign out so you can go home?" He asked. I nodded my head. With that, he pushed me towards the elevators then to the car.

I noticed something shiny on the inside of his coat, and I felt my body freeze. It was a gun.

I couldn't afford to do anything that was going to get me killed and I knew Cameron would freak out if he knew what was happening. I decided to go along with this whole thing.

The car ride was silent, except for James trying to make small talk with me. I was scared half to death so I answered whenever I was spoken to and didn't say more than I needed.

Upon arriving at my house, James helped me out of the car and through the front door. After making sure I was okay, he left. I took that opportunity to call Cameron. He picked up on the second ring. Before he could say anything, I began my panicked rant.

"Baby, I'm home and what I'm about to tell you isn't going to be easy for you to hear, but I need to talk to you about it. A man named James, claiming to be your cousin brought me home."


"Cam? Are you still there?"

".... Babe? I don't have a cousin named James...."

Then who the hell took me home? And how did they know where I live?

And then it hit me, Andrew!

"Baby, Andrew had one of his guys drop me home....." 

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