Back to Reality

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Cameron's POV

The next few weeks went by as it usually would at home. The kids had friends at every house they went too and because they had spent some time here in the summer, they made friends around the neighborhood.

Sabi was young but she wasn't stupid. She was growing up and honestly thank god for Nathan. He was the older brother that would do anything to see his sister happy and always tried his best to keep her that way.

We were never too busy for the kids but Nathan spent 2 years of his life without other siblings or even cousins close to his age, so he got used to keeping himself busy on his own. When we were busy he helped with taking care of Sabrina and keeping her company. He was 2 years older than her, but loved her more than anything in this world. I still remember how happy he was when we had told him he was getting a sister. 

We were finally able to move back into our house. The police had called a few days ago giving us the clearance and it felt relieving although slightly frightening to be able to get back to the life we were used to.  

"Thank you so much mom and dad for having us."

"Cameron don't be silly, you know our home is always welcome to you, Petal and the kids. We love having you all over and we should do this more often. Don't be a stranger sweetheart." My mom said, smiling and coming in for a hug.

"We will be back soon mom, I promise." I said giving her a hug back in return.

"Kids, let's say bye to grandma and grandpa and thank them for having us."

"Oh and dear!" I heard my mom call as we were walking away.

"We would love to see the house whenever you're all ready for guests."

"Okay, mom we will let you know."

"Good job genius, how are we going to have them over now with everything still the same?" Petal asked laughing as we got in the car.

"Nothing a little paint and decorations can't fix." I said putting my seat belt on and backing out of the driveway.

***********************************************************************************************Pulling into the driveway felt surreal. Moments from that night came rushing back like waves of memories and I could tell the same was going on in Petal's mind. I took her hand in mine and told her everything was going to be okay.

It felt good to be home

The kids seemed happy too. It was going to be hard for them to forget this  and I didn't blame them. Petal had told me what Nathan did that night, but at least I was here now. Andrew, Liam, and anyone else that wanted to mess with my family, had to go through me first and now I was going to make sure they were all happy and safe above everything else. Work could wait, the whole world could wait for all I care, my family was and always will be the most important thing to me.

Later that night

Petal's POV

I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed. Cameron had the news on, but lowered it not only so I couldn't hear but also because the kids were sleeping. They knocked out as soon as they finished getting ready for bed. There was something about sleeping in your own bed again, something so comforting, so soothing.

Teddy was fast asleep and because it was late, I knew he was going to sleep soundly through the night. I glanced at my phone clock which read 11:30 PM. I couldn't get the thoughts of that night out of my head no matter how hard I tried though.

"Maybe it was a mistake coming back. No one knows what happened, but still, how long are we going to keep it a secret babe?" I asked him.

"The whole neighborhood knows, it's hardly a secret." he responded.

"You know what I mean, babe. Everything is just happening so fast, all at once. When does it get better?"

A picture flashed on the news and Cameron froze. No no no, Petal didn't need this not now.

There was silence so I decided to go see what was wrong.

"Baby is everything okay?" I asked looking at Cameron on the bed.

I followed his eyes to the television, and instantly felt weak.....

You just couldn't stay away, could you? - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now