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Rowan awoke the next morning to a knock on her door. "It's open," she muttered, pulling the covers over her head. She heard footsteps walk over to her bed, and a dip in the mattress.

"Quite the night, huh?" she heard Jay's voice ring.

"I don't want to talk about it," Rowan mumbled in return.

The mattress dipped on the other side of her body, and she heard Evie's soft voice as well. "Come on, Rowan. It wasn't that bad."

Rowan threw the covers off of her and sat up with a groan. "He kissed me, you guys. In front of everyone! I'd say that was pretty bad!"

"I thought it was sweet," Evie chirped, ever the optimist.

"Captain Hook's son makes a scene and kisses Peter Pan's daughter. How is that sweet?"

"What was with the swim he took?" Jay questioned.

"He thought I would kiss him if he were sober, so he used the lake to clear the effects of the Bubbly. He was so drunk," Rowan admitted.

"Why did he think you would want to kiss him if he were sober, Ro?" Evie questioned.

"We—agh—we were dancing, and he nearly kissed me, so I walked away. I think he was angry with me, and I told him I wouldn't kiss him because he was drunk. In his mind, that meant 'jump in the enchanted lake water and kiss Rowan in front of everyone' I guess."

Jay laughed out loud. "Well if a girl I liked told me the only reason she wouldn't let me kiss her was because I was drunk, I'd find a way to sober up just like he did."

"He doesn't like me," Rowan rolled her eyes. "He was just intoxicated and being a jerk."

Evie shrugged. "Again, I think it was sweet. You probably hurt his feelings."

"I don't really care," Rowan responded, matter-of-factly. But Evie's words repeated in her ears. Rowan hoped that she hadn't hurt the poor man's feelings. Though she also wasn't too sure why she cared in the first place.

~ ~ ~

Harry paced around his new dorm, Gil eyeing him cautiously.

"I just don't understand!" Harry shouted, launching a too-plump-pillow across the room.

"Well, maybe she just didn't know what to say," Gil offered. "You definitely took her by surprise."

"Anything would have been better than 'don't do that again.' She left me there and walked off! She humiliated me in front of everyone!"

"I mean, I'm sure she thinks you humiliated her too." Harry shot daggers with his eyes at his blonde friend. "Sorry, wrong thing to say." Harry threw another pillow at the door, narrowly missing Uma as she opened it.

"Woah, what in the world is going on in here?" she demanded.

"Harry's upset because he didn't get the reaction he was hoping for from Rowan." Gil shielded himself from yet another pillow being launched at his head.

"Okay, okay. Don't take it out on the bedding. We don't have pillows this nice back on the Isle. I have been getting the best sleep of my life!" Uma laughed, picking up the pillow that had flown into the hall. She shut the door behind her, and turned to the two boys.

"Look, I'm sorry to interrupt your pity party, but something is stirring. We need to get the VK's together, and yes, that does include their friend Rowan, Hook," Uma declared, meeting the man's gaze.

"What's happening, Uma?" Gil asked, his curiosity peaked.

"Harry, it's our parents. We need to go."

~ ~ ~

"What is the big emergency?" Rowan exclaimed, walking into Mal's suite. She looked around to the already crowded room. On the bed sat Evie, Carlos and Jay, Ben and Mal paced back and forth across the room, and on the long couch by the balcony sat Gil, Uma, and...Harry.

"Nice of you to join us, princess," Harry sneered. Rowan glared at the man.

Rowan took a seat on the bed by her friends, "What is this all about?"

"Last night, after the party, I stayed to clean up what hadn't been taken. You know, cups, trash—trying to get my 'good kid' on," Uma began. "I was almost finished and I heard the water in the lake begin to ripple behind me. I turned around and saw a gold light glowing from the center. I was about to grab my stuff and leave, because I don't know what voodoo Auradon has going on here, but before I could, I heard a familiar voice."

"A familiar voice?" Gil echoed.

"Yes, a familiar voice. Shut up and let me finish my story, damn." Gil quickly silenced himself, making a zipper motion with his hand across his lips.

"As I was saying, I heard a familiar voice. I looked into the water and there she was, my mother. She was using the water as a portal to contact me, and she told me she has a plan. Most of the kids have left the Isle for Auradon, and many adults have as well, but the vilest, the most evil, still live on the Isle. They don't want to come to Auradon and live a normal life. 'Why live a life as a peasant, when we could rule' she said. She asked me to be her 'eye on the inside' and I lied to her, telling her I would be. But they're planning something big, guys. I can feel it."

Everyone looked around at one another, worry evident on their faces.

"Did she tell you anything else?" Ben urged.

"She wouldn't give me any details. She told me she'd let me know 'when the time was right.' She thinks I'm still loyal to her, despite my coming here," Uma said sadly, which was a strange emotion to see on the tough, defiant girl.

Another voice spoke, softer than hers. "Uma, when you were in my dorm, you said 'it's our parents.' What did you mean?" Harry asked, with what seemed to be fear in his eyes.

"Harry," Uma sighed, "Our parents are working together. She didn't say, and he didn't speak, but I saw your father behind her in the portal. No one could mistake that red pirate's hat."

Harry's eyes looked defeated, though his jaw was clenched tightly. Rowan had a strange urge to approach the man, to comfort him. Though, she thought better of it after reminding herself of their night before.

"So what does this mean?" Carlos asked, looking around for answers.

"I think it means that we're going back to the Isle."

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