It's a talent of mine.

Comenzar desde el principio


"This is so unfair, how can you be good at everything?" I groaned, my clothes soaking up the cold from the ice.

"It's a talent of mine, sorry," Sebastian grinned cheekily whilst extending a hand so I could get up.

"I've fallen over seven times already, how is that even possible?" I asked myself, carefully skating away from Sebastian.

"You have to be the worst ice skater I've ever seen and that's saying something," He was now skating backwards in front of me, teasing. I reached out to bat his shoulder in response but instead found myself tipping forward,

"Bash! Oh fuc-" Seconds before I fell, Sebastian's warm hands wrapped around my forearms, keeping me steady. "Thanks," I brushed the hair out of my eyes and gave him a shaky smile.

"Here, I'll hold you up while you skate, okay?" He let go of one of my forearms but kept holding onto the other, tugging me along gently.

"This is so much easier!" I exclaimed, my balance now much smoother.

"You're a pro now, huh?" Sebastian laughed, shuffling his hand further down my arm and latching onto my wrist.

"I've always been a pro." I deadpanned back before I wobbled slightly and Sebastian slipped his hand into mine.

"Clearly," He teased, pulling me along the ice at an incredibly fast speed and then laughing as I struggled to keep up.

"Wait, wait, slow down!" With my spare hand flailing, I begged Sebastian to ease the pace but he simply grinned and spun round a corner.

Which meant that I flew out of his grip and went skidding across the ice, my bare forearms scraping against the cold ground. A split second later and Sebastian was flicking up flakes of ice as he dug his blades to stop, bending down and scanning me worriedly. After a few heavy breaths, I deemed myself fine to continue skating but Sebastian had other ideas.

"Alexa, your arm is bleeding like crazy, you need to leave the rink," He grabbed my wrist and started tugging me towards an exit.

"But I want to keep skating." I frowned at his suggestion, pouting a little.

"Tough shit." But I was holding my ground. I buried the blades of my boots into the ice, effectively stopping Sebastian from moving me.


"Alexa, you'll get blood all over the place." He raised an eyebrow, causing me to sigh deeply. Without another word, Sebastian swept me up into a bridal lift which left me clutching onto his neck for dear life as he swiftly skated off.

"What are you doing?!" I screeched, noticeably attracting attention to us.

"I don't want you to fall over again," He replied simply, depositing me on a bench.

"Did you really have to carry me though?" Rolling my eyes at his random act, I took a quick glance at my arm and winced.

"Yep." Sebastian dismissed me completely and instead started to inspect my wound.

"For once it's you playing nurse and not me," I snorted a little.

"It's not like you need to do that for me anyway," Sebastian looked up at me with a slightly quizzical stare. "C'mon, my house is closer, I'll sort that out there." He sighed and pulled me onto my feet.

"You're overreacting," I grinned widely, undoing my skating boots and putting on my normal shoes.

"Never," Sebastian copied my smile.


I waited inside Sebastian's living room whilst he went and got the first aid kit once we arrived back at his house. The room was fairly plain, with a huge couch and a TV but nothing else furniture wise. I kind of felt like it wasn't used very often.

"Okay, don't move because this will hurt." Sebastian walked back into the room, plopping down next to me and pulling out a bottle of saline.

"Yes sir," I feigned a sweet smile as I fiddled around with the things inside the bag.

"Alexa," He groaned, clearly not in the mood for my playful tone.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" I scoffed, grabbing a couple of plasters and taking the rubber band off them.

"Just shush, okay?" Sebastian ignored my question and poured the saline over my torn skin.

"A little warning would've been nice!" With clenched teeth, I grabbed onto the hem of Sebastian's shirt tightly.

"Anything to get you to be quiet," He shot me a quick wink and grabbed some gauze. I picked up one of his wrists and snapped the rubber band over it. "Alexa, what the fuck?!"

"Oops," I pretended innocence before my conscience kicked in, accompanied by a sigh. "I'm sorry, my anger just got the better of me, you're being weird and I don't like it."

"I hurt you, even though I promised I wouldn't do that ever again," Sebastian blurted out, tapping his foot subconsciously.

"Hey," I gave him a soft smile. "It was an accident and it doesn't even hurt all that much."

"Are you sure?" He studied me with a worried look.

"One hundred per cent."

"Can't say the same about me though, that rubber band fucking hurt." And Sebastian was back.

"Wait, I have an idea!" My eyes widened as I thought it through while Sebastian nodded for me to continue. "When you're angry, snap the rubber band. It'll hurt and make you pause for a second longer before doing anything you might regret," I explained the notion and bit my lip, waiting to hear Sebastian's opinion.

"Not bad," His wide grin caused me to do so too and I felt a sense of accomplishment wash over me as I knew I'd finally done something to help.


I went ice skating and cut up my knee the other day so that served as unfortunate inspiration for this chapter.

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