Crystal clear.


"Lena come here! Come play beer pong with us!" Chris called out from the table a few feet away from where I was sitting.

We were back at the Air B and B after another one of Austin's amazing shows. It was near midnight and the entire team was packed into the living room, along with some people Austin knew from Seattle that came to see his concert.

I was squeezed onto the couch between Vanessa and Adam as I held a wine glass tightly in my hand that was nearly out of my favorite white wine.

I could feel Austin's eyes on me as I responded to Chris. He sat a few feet a away as the beer pong table was being set up.

 He sat a few feet a away as the beer pong table was being set up

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"Oh my god Chris no I'm absolute trash at beer pong. I can never make a single cup!" I groaned with embarrassment.

It was true. I was probably a worse beer pong partner than a five year old kid to be quite honest. And I was not about to make a fool of myself in front of a bunch people who basically did this as their full time job. 

"Go on Lena. You've haven't played since you've been here. Let's see what you got." Smitty encouraged as his arm hung around Vanessa's shoulder. "You sure you're not hustling us and you're actually a conassouir?"

"I wish I was secretly a beer pong champion but I promise whoever my partner is will regret it the second I start playing." I chuckled as I rolled my eyes.

"It's true, she's not lying. She's actually the fucking worst." Adam chimed in as he laughed at my expense. "One time I played with her as my partner and we lost in less than ten minutes. It was embarrassing actually."

"Fuck off Adam." I rolled my eyes, though he was speaking nothing but the truth.

"Lee I'm sure one of the guys will show you. They're basically professionals!" Vanessa exclaimed as she nudged me to get up off of the couch. "Go on girlfriend!" She insisted as I groaned in dismay.

"Come here."

My eyes darted over to Austin as the words left his mouth.

He stood up, made his way over to the table and beckoned towards my direction as he eyed me carefully.

I couldn't help but notice Chris had his mouth half open, I assumed to call me over but Austin had swiftly beat him to the punch

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I couldn't help but notice Chris had his mouth half open, I assumed to call me over but Austin had swiftly beat him to the punch.

I silently cursed my body for absentmindedly obeying him just from the sound of his smooth voice.

I got up from the sofa and made my way over to the side of the table he was by and stood next to him.

"Austin I'm warning you, I'm horrible. There's no fixing me." I frowned, pouting my bottom lip out.

He removed his large hands from his pockets and placed them gently on each side of my hips, moving me in front of him. My heart rate accelerated at the sudden action as I felt the heat from his body mixing with mine.

He leaned down and whispered into my ear, nearly making me melt into a pathetic puddle right onto the floor.

"Let's see what I can do with you."

I inhaled a deep breath, my entire body flushing head to toe, to his seemingly innocent words.

What was he doing? His words played in my head like a broken record.

"She works for me. Nothing's going to happen."

"Make sure your body is lined up with your target, and make sure your elbow doesn't cross the table." He continued, letting go of my hips as I could only nod in return.

I glanced up to face Chris who stared across the table with a hard look on his face. He clenched his jaw and looked as if he was trying his best to keep an emotionless face as he watched Austin towering over my shoulder.

"Relax, you feel a little tense." I could hear the smirk in Austin's voice as he just barely pressed his chest into my back.

I swallowed hard, trying my hardest to ignore the raging excitement building in my stomach and the fact that I was barely taking in any breaths.

"Now get the ball nice and wet and hold it between your fingers."

Okay that's it. He was absolutely going to be the death of me.

I could see it now. Lena Meyers, death by seduction.

I slightly leaned over to dip the ball into the cup of beer that was put off to the side of the table and held it firmly.

I accidentally pressed my ass against him without realizing how close he actually was behind me.

I swear I thought heard him stop breathing for a split second as I murmured a pitiful "sorry."

But who was I kidding? I wasn't sorry in the slightest.

The palm of Austins hand covered the back of mine and he tightened his grip as I held the ball.

"Its all in the wrist. Aim for the the back of the cup and shoot. Nice and fast." He whispered into my ear as he stood above my small frame.

I could feel my heart pounding as he breathed down my neck and I raised our arms together as I prepared to aim.

"Just like that Lena."

I took in a deep breath, finally filling my lungs, and took my shot.

The small white ball flew through the air and landed perfectly in the center cup on the opposite side of the table.

"Holy shit I made it!" I exclaimed with a feeling of accomplishment, turning around to face Austin.

Though I had the burning urge to jump into his arms and hug him, I quickly reminded myself that we were in a room full of people who were probably already staring at us.

An equally proud smile was spread across his handsome face as he offered me a high five.

An equally proud smile was spread across his handsome face as he offered me a high five

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"Thanks Austin." I grinned, staring up into his baby blue eyes that were sparkling in the light.

"Of course." His wide smile soon faded into a smaller more shy one as we made eye contact with one another. "So are you gonna be my partner?"

I raised my brows, surprised he wanted to play with such a rookie. "Yeah sure."

"Good. Now let's kick some ass."

I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much / Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now