

"I didn't choose it."

This was the first time her face warmed into an expression that matched her age; but only for as long as it took her to type with her thumbs.

"Before I show you this.."


"You have to realize I didn't want any part in this."

"Part in what exactly?"

"Yeah, that sounds bad."

"Try to explain it?"

I tried to keep my eye contact friendly, but I was starting to think that it was possible that Kelly played a greater role in Sara's death.

"It's like being in a group project."

I was noticeably confused by this statement.

"As an adult?"

"Jesus, no. Like in school. I never tried to stand out in school, it was never my thing. I was much more confident doing the work and having my name on it while someone else presented it to the class."

"I think I get that."

"Alright. But this is the bad version, I think it only really happens to you once academically. You go out of your way to make sure any sort of non-speaking portion of the project is well done. Historically asking someone else to do it allows your contribution to be seen and no heard."

"That sounds pretty standard."

"Yeah but there's the one time it doesn't work out. The person you've elected to explain your work gets it wrong. They're indifferent because their only role is to briefly explain the work of someone else, someone smarter. So they goof off, and try to amuse your classmates instead of your teacher. At first, it's not the worst thing really; quite in fact you almost feel like you're getting to experience a popular glow by proxy. Like this dude who will grow up, just to grow up is somehow making you seem more appealing."

"What does this have to do with..."


She paused the video.

"What I'm getting at is that you never asked to for that glow, or the subsequent disapproving glances from the teacher who liked you because you weren't interested in that glow until he started talking. It's the feeling of being tarnished personified."

We just sort of waited in silence for a few seconds, she was checking to make sure the clip was almost fully loaded.

"Sara was reckless. It wasn't enough to be thin or happy or smart; she had to be that girl who wasn't afraid. I don't mean 'I'm going to ride a motorcycle reckless', on her 21st birthday she drove with a blindfold on for nearly a mile."

"That's fucking stup..."

I did not mean to let that slip out, but it got a laugh out of Kelly; the more I spoke to her the more concerned I became for her.

"No you're right it is fucking stupid but that was Sara's temperament."

"I'm guessing you were the one who told her when to accelerate and stop?"

"All my life unfortunately. Some friend right?"

From a little ways away I heard the door to the main office slam. The parents would be briefed by the officer and asked to identify the body in the morgue. So this bought me about another 15 minutes; I would have to be the one to accelerate now.

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