Eden and the Brave Stanley

Start from the beginning

"I wanna kiss you right now, Stan, but our friends need our help. Please." She pleads, finally earning a nod. She pulls him up, wrapping his arm around her shoulder as he was still too in shock to walk properly.

They manage to catch up to the others in no time, straying a little bit behind. "Bill!" They continue to call out.

Upon reaching a more flooded area, Eddie trips into the water, losing his flashlight. "Come on. Get out of there, dude. That's greywater." Richie says.

"Where's my fucking flashlight?!" Eddie screams. The light from  it was visible, yet the actual flashlight was no where in sight.

Just when they thought it couldn't get any worse, a zombified head emerges from the squalor water. Eden screams, backing away, nearly causing her and Stanley to fall.

They speedily run off, finding themselves at what seemed to be an entrance to a much larger part of the sewers.

"Woah..." Eden exhales, instantly noticing the gargantuan pile of objects that seemed to have been belongings of the missing children. "Bev!" Ben shouts as he looks up at the floating red head.

"Holy shit. I notice the big pile of fucking toys and not our friend floating up seven feet in the air." Eden mumbles. Stanley glances at her, then back up at Beverly.

Now that Stanley could walk, she removes her arm from around him and instead tightly grasps his hand. "H-How is she in the air?" Richie stutters.

"Richie, I think you're forgetting all the other stuff that happened earlier. I mean, I think everything is possible at this point." Eden says below a whisper, yet he still manages to hear it.

"Guys..." Eddie says shakily, looking just above the pile of objects. "Are those..."

"The missing kids." Stanley finishes. "Floating."

"Jesus, okay, I get how I missed Bev, but this? I should have seen it." Eden comments. "Eden, shut up." Stanley kindly whispers. "Right. Sorry." She nods.

"Just let me grab her." Ben says as Richie and Mike help him up to reach the girl's ankles. He begins to pull her down.

When she finally reaches the ground, he holds her head up, staring into her lifeless eyes. "Bev! Beverly!"

"Why isn't she waking up?! What is wrong with her?! Beverly, please!" He screams. "Come on!" He wraps his arms around her.

When nothing happens, he pulls out. With one last glance at her, he pulls her in, connecting their lips. "Woah!" Eden says.

"Ew." Eddie mutters. "Woah..." Stanley adds. "What the fuck is this? Disney?" Eden asks. "Come on, Ben. It's not gonna w—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Beverly gasps for air, her blue eyes returning. "Have I ever mentioned that Disney has the best movies?" Eden comments in shock.

"January embers." Beverly says. "My heart burns there, too." The boy smiles. "Jesus, fuck." Richie laughs, wrapping his arms around the two in relief.

They all join in a much needed group hug, being broken off when Beverly speaks up. "Eden, you came back." She smiles. "Anything for you, Bev."

"Where's Bill?" She inquires. The seven of them make their way around the corner, witnessing Bill and his brother speaking, yet Georgie's right arm was completely gone.

They were quite shocked, to say the least. "You think it's really him?" Eden whispers softly to Stanley. "I don't know." He responds.

"I wanna go home." Georgie says tearfully, not taking notice of the others behind bill. "I miss you. I wanna be with mom and dad."

"I want more than anything for you to be home. With mom and dad." Bill slowly steps up to his brother. "I miss you so much."

"I love you, Billy." Georgie cries. "I love you, too." He sighs. With a heavy heart, he reaches behind him, pointing the gun straight at Georgie's forehead. "But you're not Georgie."

Eden tucks her face into the crook of Stanley's neck, not wanting to see the outcome. Bill pulls the trigger, causing the loud bullet sound to echo through the area.

Georgie falls flat on his back. "Eden, it's okay. It's over." Stanley whispers, lightly rubbing her arm. She slowly looks up.

He really seemed dead. That is, until his body began to shake uncontrollably. He made gurgling and roaring sounds, his limbs regrowing and transforming into the clown.

Eden gasps, backing away. "Kill it, Bill! Kill it!" Eddie screams. "Kill it!" They all join in. "It's not loaded." Mike comments, yet no one had noticed.

"Hey, it's not loaded!" But it was too late. Bill had shot the imaginary bullet into the clown's head, causing its skin to crack, blood gushing out from it into the air.

He looks back at them, charging at Bill. Stanley pulls Eden away to the side as Bill is pinned to the ground. "Leave him alone!" Beverly screams, attempting to stab it with a spike, yet It catches it.

Mike then steps in with a crowbar, only to be flung against the wall. "Mike!" Eden screams. "Stan, I'm gonna go help mike." Eden says, letting go of Stanley's hand.

She runs to the boy, helping him up. "Hey, you okay?" She asks. He hesitantly nods, before the two notice Bill and Richie holding on to the clown.

Just then, Stanley and Ben join, clasping onto its arms. "Stanley!" Eden screams as the clown begins to spin around, resulting in Stanley hitting the other wall.

Eden looks to Mike, then runs to the boy. "Stan, hey, Stan."

He sits up, wrapping his arms around the blonde. "You were brave. I knew you could." She smiles. "Thanks to you." He nods.

Finally, the clown manages to hold Bill down. "No.. don't. Let him go!" Beverly shouts. "No. I'll take him. I'll take all of you. And I'll feast on your flesh as I feed on your fear." It shakes Its head.

"Or..." he holds up his finger. "You'll just leave us be. I will take him. Only him. And then I'll have my long rest. And you will all live to grow and thrive and lead happy lives. Until old age takes your back to the weeds."

"Leave." Bill says weakly. "I'm the one who dragged you all into this. I'm s-so sorry." He sighs. "S-s-sorry." The clown laughs.

They all stay silent, not so sure whether they should leave or not. "Go!" Bill repeats. "Guys, we can't." Beverly speaks up.

Eden looks to Stanley, taking his hand once again, her eyes tearing up. Richie slowly stands up. "I told you, Bill. I fucking told you. I don't want to die. It's your fault."

"You punched me in the face, you made me walk through shitty water, you brought me to a fucking crackhead house.." he trails off, finding himself beside the large pile.

"And now, I'm gonna have to kill this fucking clown." He takes a bath. The clown angrily shoves Bill away, charging at Richie.

"Welcome to the losers' club, asshole!"

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