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"Evie, remind me again why we need so much time to prepare for an event that is three months away?" Rowan sighed as she plopped her bag down on the table of Evie's cottage, with a clang.

"Woah there, what do you have in that bag of yours? Lifting things from the chemistry lab again?" Evie chuckled.

"No," Rowan rolled her eyes to the blue-haired girl. "Some jerk launched a hook of all things across the courtyard on my way here and almost impaled me with it. So, I took it as a souvenir," the girl shrugged.

"A hook? You don't mean Harry's hook, do you?"

"I'm not sure, maybe? Who's Harry?" she asked, while pulling the silver hook from her bag and handing it to Evie to inspect.

"Harry Hook. He's Captain Hook's son, Rowan, and this is definitely his."

Rowan smirked, her eyes glinting with mischief. "Oh, my father's arch nemesis. Fitting, isn't it? Peter Pan's daughter bests Captain Hook's son. My mother and father will simply love to hear that."

Evie sighed, handing the hook back to Rowan. "Just be careful, Ro. He played a huge role in helping us save Auradon from Audrey, but he's still a bit rough around the edges. I think he has plenty of good in him for sure, but as someone who was born on the Isle of the Lost, I know how hard it can be to let the bad go when transitioning here," she laughed out loud then. "You know, sometimes I think you should have grown up with us there, too."

Rowan laughed with the Evil Queen's daughter. Rowan had thought this to herself many times as well. She never felt as though she perfectly fit in with the children of Auradon. Growing up—and even now still—she was always getting into trouble. She would rather rough-house and fight with the boys than learn to bake or play with dolls like the girls, and she always wanted to play pranks that no one else wanted to join in on.

When the VK's had first arrived to Auradon nearly two years ago, Evie and Rowan were fast friends. They had two classes together, and were chemistry partners the first year. Evie was ever the perfectionist and Rowan, well, wasn't, so that certainly led to some confrontation right off the bat. However, when Rowan held her own to the Evil Queen's daughter, she earned the respect she was looking for, and the rest was history.

Since then, Evie had introduced Rowan to the rest of the VK's, and Carlos, Jay, Mal and Rowan got along right away. Though she had never ventured to the Isle with the crew, she was always the first to hear of their adventures as soon as they came back to the kingdom.

"Well, I'm not afraid of Harry Hook," Rowan announced with confidence. "If he wants his precious hook back, he can come and get it." She twirled the silver thing in her hand before setting it down and allowing Evie to begin what she does best—designing fashion.

~ ~ ~

By the time Evie had finished with her sketching, brainstorming, and measuring what seemed to be every single inch of Rowan's body, the sun had already begun to set. Evie air-kissed Rowan's cheeks and finally let the girl go.

"In the time I just spent with Evie, I swear I could have solved world hunger," Rowan laughed over the phone to Mal. The two hadn't seen one another since the barriers were lifted, as Mal was urgently helping her fiancé prepare for the Isle children's class schedules and living situations.

"Oh believe me, I know," Mal giggled right back. She too was very accustomed to Evie's thorough work when it came to designing outfits for the girls. "Be lucky that she started your dress only now. She told me that she had dozens of designs for my wedding dress planned up before I had even said yes to Ben!"

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