Love Is In The Air

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A new year has come in(2014)and I'm feeling fresher than ever. No more toxic Jabari. My grades are spectacular. My friends and I are all getting along. Life is just great. My bestfriend Lelani even transferred to finish her years out at my school. After my bad breakup last year I decided I was going to start working on me. I started to figure out the things I enjoyed doing. During the time of me being single I discovered I love 90's R&B. I loved poetry, art and I liked to document my life. Not my entire life. Only the big things. The things that either changed me, taught me, or made me grow. If a guy walked by me in the hallway and gave me the look. You better believe I was giving the look back. Just because you take time for yourself doesn't mean you cant always be on the look out for the next boyfriend. During my healing phase I decided it was time for me to switch things up. The next boyfriend I got was going to be different. He wasn't going to be popular. He wasn't going to be full of himself. He would treat me like the queen I was and he had to love me for me. Finding my strength, altered my character. I demanded respect. I wouldn't allow anyone to disrespect me or force me to be anything I didn't want to be. Valentines day was a couple weeks away. From the teddy bears at Walmart to the candygrams being given out at school. I was fucking sick of it. Something about valentines day always made you want a man. Everybody wants to feel special. Guys want to boast and confess their love. Women want to feel appreciated. It was love everywhere. The closer Valentine's day got the more anxious I became. I wanted a candygram with a cute note attached. I wanted heart shaped candy. I wanted a big teddy bear. I wanted a BOYFRIEND!!! I never was single for too long. I always had a boyfriend. A little friend or just somebody I talk too. Being single sucked. Looking for a boyfriend sucked even more. I decided to stop looking and just let it come to me. I caught wind that there was someone who liked me. He was just too shy to approach me. So I approached him. Desperate, no, that don't make me. I was just ready for my next love adventure. This was me grabbing love by the horns. So I'm at lunch sitting with my girls chopping it up and who do I see. Quincy." Look yawl, there go Quincy right there. Should I go say something to him, I asked my friends. " No that's too bold, Raven said. " He ain't even that cute, says Dominique. " That's up to you, Gabriel said. Without any guidance from my friends, I made the decision to go over. He was waiting in line talking to some of his friends. Laughing and goofing around. I get up from my table and walk over to the end of the line. I tapped him on his shoulder." I heard you was too scared to come talk to me, I said with a smile. He played it smooth and said, " Nah, I just didn't know whether you had a man or not." "Well I wouldn't have came all the way across the room to you if I did." Blushing red smiles spread across both of our faces. The possibility of love shot us in our asses. We agreed to meet up after the bell rang to get to know each other more, and so we did. Quincy and I were no strangers to each other. Quincy looked like the rapper Chamillionaire. When Chamillionaires hair was cut. In middle school he was dating a girl by the name of Lyla. I may have kind of sort of broke them up. I only dated him for a few days on some get back shit. I know I'm not the only girl who has took another girls boyfriend. In middle school that was my clap back move. It was the ultimate bitch shut up, move. Taking another girls boyfriend while she's dating him is bitch meet me outside, type of energy. So we knew each other well. Quincy was gentle, sweet, slow, easy, kind, generous and everything in between. He had the biggest heart and a personality that was out of this world. He was my breath of fresh air. He made me feel alive again. I was ready for an adventure. I could gossip with him and he would gossip back. He became my bestfriend and life took over after that.

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