chapter 12

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After a few hours i finished the book and stand up i summon two apples biting into one and throwing the other into monspeets lap. he looks up. "Eat. You need to replenish your body or your magic will decrease." He nods and bites into the apple. It seems that only a few of the commandments were able to eat human food. Gloxinia could aswell seeing as he was a fairy.

I knew for a fact that we could all drink alcohol. Galland and melascula were huge addicts when it comes to ale. I haven't tried alcohol seeing as i trained for 380 years i didn't have a chance and back when i didn't know of my origins i was too young for alcohol. I walk over to melascula and tug on her sleeve.

She looks to me "Yes?" "I wanna try alcohol" I hear someone behind me splitter and another person barking out a laugh. She nods slowly "alright let us go then" I throw a cloak on her. "Men these days are perverted" we both sprout wings but mine feel weird. I look back to them. I gasp and shout in surprise "What the fuck!?!?" Everyone's head snaps towards.

My.wings.had.fucking.feathers. Varying shades of gray and purple feathers were littered across me wings. "Oh hell no!" I put my wings back in. I turn to melascula "what.was.that." She looks at me "i have no clue!"  "Perhaps it was because of your recent burst of power" we snap our heads towards zeldris who looks to where my wings once were.

"Carry on what you were doing when you get back we'll see if they're any different from before." I nod. Melascula grabs my hands and flies off. We ignore what just happened and we start messing around. She eventually drops me. I free fall for a few seconds before i feel my wings sprout the wind lifts me up.

They feel different from before. I could feel the wind ruffle in between my feathers. it felt foreign to me. We go to vaizel which was known for good ale. we land there and I leave my wings out. I've got a bad feeling. We walk into a tavern, A man in red leather stands there.I remember this asshole,

It seems melascula does too. We turn around and quickly walk out the tavern. Yeah no. I pull my collar up further onto my face. It feels weird having people look at me. I guess my wings do make me stand out though. I sigh and we walk further into town. We find a tavern and walk into it. We sit down at a table. I feel a hand one my shoulder as i turn around.

Oh come on! There in all his stupid glory stands meliodas. I growl. "What do you want?" he smiles a bit and chuckles. "Well it's obvious. We want you!" I bark out a laugh as melascula stands up. "Yeah yeah,when you get better jokes come back midget" I hear melascula come next to me. We stand up.

"What a shame.I guess i can try ale some other day." I walk out the door with melascula. Meliodas follows us. i feel a hand on my wings. I spin around grabbing that little perv by the neck lifting him up. "Don't you dare touch my fucking wings you little perverted dick" I drop him and grab melasculas hand and sprint to the nearby forest before taking off still holding her.

I adjust so she's in my arms. I can still feel meliodas's presence. "Melascula i'm going to drop you can you be a dear and kick meliodas in the face for me?" She grins. I let her go and she free falls before landing on a mop of blonde hair. I giggle. She uses the blonde haired boy as a spring and leaps up grabbing onto my hands as we fly away.

The ale can wait i guess. We fly around a bit to lose meliodas and go back to base. I drop melascula on a leaf that is facing downwards and she slides down. I land on the platform that melascula just got to. Derieri comes over "How was it?" I sigh "We ran into some problems so i didn't have the chance to try some."

I facepalm. The other two look at me "I'm such a retard. I could've just summoned some"  I summon a few bottles throwing two at galland one at derieri one at melascula before uncorking my own bottle of ale. I have a gulp. Oh,Wasn't what i expected to say the least. I pass over to monspeet to try some seeing as he just appeared.

He tries some. He deadpans at me. I sweatdrop and take the bottle back i throw it over to galland who happily takes it. I summon some water to wash the ale down and pass a cup of water over to monspeet. Derieri seems to like it. Melascula and galland are the same as always. Fraudrin walks over and takes a swing of one of the bottles.

I can see why he's immune to it. He was in a human vessel for ten years. I shiver at the feeling of someone touching my wings.I knows it's monspeet. I can feel his calloused hands run down my wings as i sigh in happiness. I guess it's sort of like a weak spot if he touches it.

When meliodas touched them i felt like a disgust. I guess it only works with him. I feels him run his hands up and down my feathers. I feel a shiver creep up my spine. I walk away from the others having grabbed his hand and took him to one of the secluded leaves. I put his hand on my wings again as he starts doing what he did before.

I don't know what happened but i could feel my throat rumble as i purr. It was weird. He hums in approval as he continues running his fingers through my feathers. I purr a bit louder and he actually hears. I turn around facing him and wrapping my wings around us His dark marks glow a bit in the dark.i get up and walk behind him.

I put my wings on the sides of him and i lean my head on his back and trace his dark marks on his back. He plays with my feathers while i trace patterns on his back. fatigue eats away at me. I can tell he's getting tired too. I continue running my finger on his dark mark lines until i feel myself falling asleep Him still running his hands through my wings.
I can finally start the romance! Yay!

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