chapter 9

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I get hit in the side of the head by something hard.Very hard. like not even human metal.Like so.much.harder.

Before i knew i was through about 17 walls and still going.oh hey a butterfly! I brought out my train thoughts by another wall.This is getting boring.I grab the next wall and slingshot my way back kicking this blue haired guy in the head sending him flying off the leaf. Between this i haven't seen many people,

I've only seen derieri,grayroad,zeldris and melascula. I hear a pained scream. It was too low to be a girl.I recognise the voice,G..Gloxinia? I race towards it. Yeah it was gloxinia. I look closer.


His wings had been torn off. I could feel bile rise in my throat. I swallow it running over to him i kick away the giant who had done it. I check for any other damage.None, good. I sigh. this will be annoying i use a special technique. "give and take!" I could feel a searing pain on my back as i bite my lip to keep in my screams. I could see his wings slowly coming back to him rejoining to his body as he looks towards me.

I feel a faint smile ghost on my lips as blood starts to deep through my shirt. I groan the agonising burning coming back.I pant slightly throwing off my shirt. I feel blood drip down my back and onto the floor. I ignore it. Darkness slowly starts to envelop the wound. I see little tendrils start to connects as it closes the wounds shut. I sigh in relief as the pain slowly starts to go away.

I look back towards the former fairy king and hold out my hand for him to grab.He gladly accepts. I yank him up.I look up to see that practically every one of the commandments were in a heap injured.Someone grabs gloxinia throwing him into the group. I sigh in annoyance. This will be annoying.

I summon my scythe. My emotions were starting to join back together meaning i had about 6 minutes to get the intruders out of here and away from the other commandments. I slice in a massive line throwing everybody in front of me out into the forest. I duck to dodge a fist and grab them by the wrist throwing them into the woods. 4 down 2 to go. I sprint leaping and roundhouse kicking the giant miles away a loud crash signalling she landed.

I turn behind me. there was not only a sin,The demon kings son. but an goddess race. i grab the sin and not so lightly throw him away stalking towards the goddess. I nod towards the commandments. "Stay here,You don't want to be there when i get angry." A few stand up to come with but i throw them back putting everyone into a big perfect cube.

I may not be a mage but i know a few tricks.

I grab the goddess by one of her wings as she helps in pain. I loosen my grip a bit. I drag her towards the edge and putting her in a princess hold. I leap into the forest where i sense the most presences. I land in the middle of the group. I've got to survive about 1 minute. shouldn't be too hard. I let go off the goddess.

Hey i may be a demon but i'm not heartless. completely..

sides i remember her from somewhere. I summon my scythe. It has a faint red glow too it that slowly gets brighter. I i back handspring wrapping my legs around someone's neck and twisting throwing them to the ground. 45 seconds. I get launched back by a fist. only to get kicked back as i skid across the mud. I faked groan so they think they got me. I lay still on the ground.

30 seconds.I feel a presence coming closer as i grab my scythe slicing it off. It was that blue haired man who fell for the same thing twice."Seriously you've done the same thing twice now." His hand starts growing back. I grin as my scythe gets a brighter red mist surround it.

15 seconds. I start to slice the ground around us as it starts to raise.I smirk as the giant looks confused "I thought only giants could manipulate earth?" I giggle bringing the attention back to me. "Not necessarily. Elves could do it too. However sadly i'm not an elf. However i do have the essence of a giant in my scythe."

5 "It's quite simple really"
1 "As much as i've loved chatting it's about time i win"

I feel rage fill me. It boils inside me as a storm surrounds us. Lightning enters and exits throughout my body. I grin evilly. I can feel rage filling my veins as my eyes start to go black. First the sclera then the iris then the pupil. It fills my eyes an inky black until it can't anymore as it drips down my eyes like tar in a steady stream.

I don't even blink and i'm already on the other end of the platform Meliodas and the blue haired freak in half. I know they'll heal soon. I kick both of their halves off as i hear a distant thud. I step to the side a fist going where my head once was. I knew this was pride. Let's hurt his ego a bit, "Who are you again? Your quite forgettable."

He scowls and kicks where my abdomen was.I had already moved behind him as i elbow his back sending him flying. I turn towards the giant and goddess. "I'll spare you if you leave. I want a fair fight and the giant obviously isn't in the shape for that."

They nod frantically. I hum in acknowledgement and say softly "Sorry for this" i launch them off the platform in the direction of where the others were. God that took a lot of energy. I can feel my rage still boiling inside me slowly fizzling away into a dull anger.

I can feel the inky black substance start to stop spilling from my eyes. My eyes won't go back to 'normal' until i rest and eat a few souls I feel fatigue slowly start to eat away from me as it feels like my arms and legs weigh a ton of bricks. My magic levels depleted drastically. It won't be long until my body shuts down.

I sigh. The others will be here soon, God this is going to be hell to explain.
What do i even out here at this point?

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