Chapter 12

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Coronation day has come. She dressed herself with light purple gown. Minutes before the ceremony started, she saw Cheng yu arguing with Third Prince Lian Song. She walked towards them and greeted them.

"Why do you always fight with each other?" she asked.

"It's because of this rascal's tricks." Cheng Yu was referring to Lian Song.

"She praised me, right?" Lian Song asked Fengjiu.

"I don't think it's a praise." Fengjiu laughed.

"Anyway, how are you?" Cheng yu asked. "I heard you went to the mortal realm with Lord Cang Yi." She whispered.

Fengjiu's expression changed from happy to gloomy.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." –cheng yu

"It's fine. Yes, I decided to move on and meet new people." Fengjiu answered.

No one knows the real reason why Fengjiu entertained Cang Yi. She didn't tell anyone about it.

"How's he?" Cheng yu asked.

"He's kind. He also likes fishing, reading Buddha theories and playing game of go." She replied.

"Don't tell me... he also looks like Dong Hua—"

"Did I hear you talking about Dong Hua?" Lian song interrupted. "Let him be at peace. He suffered so much. I don't think its appropriate for you to talk about him." He said angrily.

"Don't mind him, he just misses him everyday." Cheng yu commented.

"But its weird. Why does it feel like Lian Song blames me for what happened to Dong Hua? Did I do something wrong?" She told herself.

Lian Song blames Fengjiu for Dong Hua's demise because Dijun had told him that the only way to protect Fengjiu from Miao Luo is to sacrifice himself. Dong Hua already knew that the birthmark of Fengjiu was because she has the blood of Miao Luo and if Miao Luo happened to know about it, she will surely do everything to take her powers back.

It was indeed an ill-fated romance. She was born from the blood of Dong Hua's enemy and now to protect her, he has to die.

He might never confessed his feelings for her, but he cared for her more than anyone in this world. He's there when she's hurt. He's always there to support her with her decisions.

Dong Hua might be cold but he's not heartless. After all, he's not deprived of emotions.

Cheng yu and Fengjiu continued their conversation. They were talking about Cang Yi when Cheng Yu asked her if Cang Yi also wears purple robe.

Love and DestinyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora