Chapter 6

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After what Yan Chiwu said, she immediately left the mortal realm and looked for Si Ming.

"This may be a joke." She said to herself. She went to the Sky kingdom and ask the other immortals if they have seen Star Lord Si Ming, but they answered her no.

She went to the grand hall, palace of Si Ming and palace of Lian Song but he is nowhere to be found.

Her heart suddenly ached. She's nervous and afraid to know the truth. She lost all her hope.

"It was unexpected. All we know is that there will be a new lord who will take over the works at Taichen Palace."

"Yes. We thought that maybe he'll be going into seclusion. I didn't know his end will be this soon." Fengjiu overheard their conversations.

She walked towards the immortals and asked if they could help her to enter the Bihai Cangling. It was a sacred place and only immortals of the Sky kingdom could visit.

The immortals knew Bai Fengjiu. Her obsession over Dong Hua circulated around the whole kingdom. So they helped her.

She entered inside his home and found Si Ming, Heavenly Emperor and Empress, Lian Song, Cheng yu standing in front of an ice coffin.

The rituals has started. She run towards the coffin and hugged him. The place was suddenly filled with murmurs. She felt cold. She was crying. She wanted to take him away but Bai Qian stopped her.

She held her hands and caressed her face." I'm sorry I wasn't able to inform you. Where have you been?" Bai Qian asked her.

"I went to the mortal realm to experience misfortunes. I didn't know this could happen. If only I— If only..." she sobbed.

It was too late. Dong Hua has faced his end.

"If I didn't leave you, would I be able to save you?"

Everyone gradually left the place, they started to devise a plan on how they will suppress the Demon lord.

Dong Hua was unable to kill her, so Ye Hua, Bai Qian, Lian Song, Si Ming and Cheng yu gathered the armies to create a formation to defeat the enemy.

They only have days before Miao Luo break the Star Ward seal.

Fengjiu stayed at Bihai Cangling, thinking of ways to kill herself so they could finally be together.

Then an idea came into her mind. She left his home and went to Sky Kingdom.

She went to Ye Hua and begged him to tell her if there are still a way to bring him back to life.

Ye hua refused to tell her the truth.

"This isn't right. Stop this. You will regret your decision." –ye hua

"I wont. I'll do everything for him. I love him." – fengjiu

"Everything has its purpose. He has done what he had to do. He had lived for long. Do not let your infatuation hinder what god had planned for him. After all, you are not for each other." –ye hua

"So what if Destiny says we're fated and so what if it says we're not? I never feared destiny and I certainly don't need its charity. If you do not want to tell me the way, I'll find it on my own." –fengjiu

"Are you really willing to bring him back? There's no assurance that this method will work. No one succeeded in retrieving such plant". –ye hua

"Plant? What do you mean?" -fengjiu

"A reincarnation plant. Thousands of immortals had tried retrieving such plant. But they failed to come back. It is located at an unknown mountain. It was told that one can only enter it if one's heart is full of desire." –ye hua

"Where is that place? I'm willing to risk even at expense of my life." -fengjiu

"Go to the mortal realm. At a mountain called Junji, draw some of your blood and let it drop on the ground. With a heart full of desire, the portal shall open and lead you to the plant." –ye hua

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