Addio al celibato

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A/N: Errr... so I finally had enough sleep and inspiration to write whilst at home. Enjoy!

This story is the continuation of.

Genre: Action/ Drama / Comedy

Sandro Balestreri - Michele Morrone

Tilly McLeod - is an original female character

Will McLeod - Liam Neeson

Henry McLeod - Henry Cavill

 Addio al celibato

Sandro's POV

I thought the next time I would see Tilly would be at the wedding. I had almost forgotten of the parties that are to take place before the event. There was the preparations for the wedding, the engagement party, and her Addio al nubilato.

Tilly told me that she would take care of all wedding preparations, including financially, and my job was just to show up on the wedding day. I was, of course, insulted again. Though I am now fully aware that Tilly is capable in handling details, I didn't like the way she seemed to doubt my capabilities and made me feel that I wasn't dependable enough as a man.

"But Sandro, I'm just helping you by getting rid of the burdens... so I'll handle everything. After all, this is an arranged marriage, I know my own place and I am sure you would want nothing to do with this wedding or marriage." was her reply. I didn't like her answer. She often makes it sound like I'm 'useless' and intolerable. Of course, despite this being an arranged marriage, it never meant that I was unwilling to help out with the preparations. In the end, she had agreed with a smile and she had begrudgingly let me play a part.

When I was helping out with the preparations, I had managed to get a look at the invitations she had sent out for the party and wedding. To my surprise, her Addio al nubilato invitation included those big 'La Familias' which makes it suspicious. I am fully aware that this woman is the daughter of one of Scotland's laird, and secretly the most dangerous mob boss with the big cannabis empire, but she didn't look like she had any involvement with her family's business. Nor does she look like someone who can even kill an ant. Moreover, isn't an 'Addio al nubilato' supposed to have women as a guest only?!

"Oh, they're family friends, of course, I must invite them! And well, no one really made the rule that you can't invite men to a bride's party as long as they are the bride's entourage, right?" was her quick answer. "Well, everyone does the same thing differently," she added, before turning her back to me in a hurry, leaving my office.

For some reason, there is this nagging feeling telling me that there is indeed something strange with Tilly. Warnings were flashing in my head, and I couldn't pinpoint what it was? So out of suspicion, I asked my right-hand man Emil to keep a watch at her, and that includes escorting her to her own bridal shower. To my surprise, Tilly was fine with it and thought nothing of it.


To Emil's surprise, his cousin's bride, despite her dry British humour, was actually funny and easy to get along with. He didn't understand what was Sandro so suspicious about his harmless wife to be. Throughout the car ride to the venue, Tilly spent mosts of her time, answering phone calls either about work or the party preparations.

When they finally arrived at the place, Emil was impressed with how Tilly organized her whole bridal party. It felt like some sort of rustic/gothic neo-noir carnival, with fire dancers and breathers. 

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