Christmas chapter: Kisses and snowflakes

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Hi fellow fans! This is my Bonus Christmas Chapter as a sorry present for not posting in a VERY LONG TIME. So here it is. I hope you enjoy. It may go off into the fluffy area, but I hope it'll give more of a relaxed vibe. I shall be giving you a look at the villain, seeing as we haven't had that for a long while, and also I will do Amy's P.O.V. (Hopefully. Work with me here)
Amy's P.O.V (I kept my promise)

Rory and I stepped out of the TARDIS, wondering what was going on.

"Where do you think we are, Amy?", Rory asked me as we spun around.

"Earth, 2012. I think.", The Doctor replyed for Rory as he jumped out of the blue police box.

"No, 2011 you idiot,", a voice speaks. I grin as Alexa strolls past me towards The Doctor,"You always get the year wrong don't you?"

"No, no, I am always right with the year.", he defends as he brushes past a smirking Alexa and I. He pouts after he sticks his tongue out to taste the air. "Okay, I'm right most of the time.", he grumbles.

Rory steps between the two Time Lords to interfere."He is right alot though, isn't he Amy?", he asks me, trying to get his wife to side with him.

Pfft, as if. I smile and move closer to Alexa."Nope. Rory, I would rethink your statement. He left me for twelve years and then another two." I nod to my raggedy man.

Alexa drapes a red knitted arm over my shoulder before adding, "Yeah, I would definitely reconisder." ,we giggle. My husband sighs and shakes his head while The Doctor looks defeated. I high five my two hearted bestie and we walk over to a nearby bench.

Alexa stretches her legs as The Doctor grins a hand through his hair. "I never told you where we are though.", he grins, his eyes shining.

Alexa chuckles and looks up at him,"I think I will do the talking from now on, Doctor darling.", she smiles cheekily. I laugh along with Rory and Alexa exhales before talking again.

"So, Earth, the year two thousand and ELEVEN," she shoots a pointed look at The Doctor, who rolls his eyes," And I am guessing, Leadworth, Christmas time. Ho ho ho, Ponds! It's Christmas!", Alexa claps her hands.

"Doctor, didn't we do Christmas? You know? With the fog fish and the ship that was going to crash and the grumpy old man?", I ask him. Alexa links arms with me.

"Oh, but that was such a long time ago! And I think we need some Christmas cheer, don't you? Besides, I don't think your families have seen you for a while." he protests.

Alexa laughs and pokes him."When was this? I don't think I was informed about fog fish and grumpy men!"

The Doctor smiles and fixes his bowtie. "Well! I do believe we hadn't met yet, Miss Alexa." he winks. She blushes.

"Come on! If I am right, and I usually am, Doctor, Alexa, Amy's family should be having a nice Christmas dinner. Don't want to be late, do we?" Rory jokes and Alexa pulls me along the road. I grab Rory's arm and we set off together, The Doctor running to catch up.

"Oh, Alexa.", he laughs and smiles before joining hands with her. Remind me to stick those two under the mistletoe tonight.
Alexa's P.O.V.

We headed down to Amy's house where her family greeted us like old friends, especially The Doctor. Me? Well, I just hugged and smiled at them all. Rory and Amy seemed espicially happy to be back home. The Doctor and I took a seat on a swing outside while Rory went to go talk and Amy helped her mother with the food.

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