9.10 - the final part

Start from the beginning

The riddle of the past was resolved at last. Here, to the place where Galadon had once stood, the elven princess Itheldain was called by her gift. She was accompanied by five elves; for her safe return to the GreatForest with a sacred relic four of them sacrificed their lives and the fifth − his freedom and his honour. Despite all that, she found the courage to return to the Wild Steppe and work with humans − for new knowledge and new discoveries, for the common history of both races.

"Since my brother had rejected the laws and customs of the Ancient Race, guided by his heart, I decided I have the right to do the same." She spoke the Common tongue more gently and melodiously than it was customary, and her voice sounded like music for the Chevalier Ahayrre's ears.

The sunset of that crazy day found them all around a big campfire. It was so crowded, there was not a spot to put down a wine mug, and no one put their wine mugs down, just passed them around. The earth seemed to rock slightly, like a ship at sea, laughs and jokes merged into the murmur of waves. Alva laid down his red head on Leitis's lap, breathing in the steppe night, the smell of smoke, and the shine of the huge red-gold moon.

"All hell broke loose in Selkhir," she narrated. "All the bookworms came running: historians, archaeologists from around the whole continent. Rumour is, they have dug up the burial mounds of Solkh: bones, armours, weapons. The whole town is buzzing like a beehive. The room prices went up, so those madmen put their tents right where the excavations are, spend days and nights there, when the sun sets, they are digging by the lanterns. Tourists are coming, imagine that! Yeah, where else you can see such a circus. Even from Arislan. There was that learned Arislani man named Bakhriyar, a big fan of yours." She mimicked the hard Arislani accent, obviously quoting the said learned man, "Can it be that I am finally seeing the glorious Selkhir which had inspired Chevalier Ahayrre to write such beautiful verses!"

"Bakhriyar Tamani? He is a dear, an absolute dear. We've spent about three months on his villa near Isfahan."

"What a snake, he never uttered a word about that! Serves him right, that I didn't warn him about Foreth Forratier. His affair with her won't last long; she will have her fun and dump his ass. Do you know her? She is a journalist from the capital, my old friend."

"Of course I know her," Alva echoed. At the moment he loved the whole world and even that noisy and quarrelsome lady Forratier, whose favourite subject of discussion was the story of Ashurran, the warrior princess, and all the incestuous gay sex that was left unmentioned in it.

"She has a new whim, to translate the novel 'Khefeirut' to the Common tongue at last. That's why she needs Bakhriyar. He is nuts about her and has no idea that once the book is published, she'll have a new whim and gallop to the other end of the world. And you, for how long you'll stay? You are a piglet, Alva, truly, not a peep from you for such a long time! You could have send a note with the swords − thanks, by the way, they are gorgeous, I guessed right away they were from you, but still! When I saw Itheldain, I almost had a stroke − took her for your elf, naturally. Your precious elf, alone − imagine my train of thoughts! She reassured me, thank God, she could feel that her brother was alive and well. And Ren was always saying: one had nothing to fear while in Kintaro's company. They are old buddies, I was given to understand."

"I see my another gift came in handy too," the Chevalier grinned slyly.

"You see, the position of the consultant on steppe customs was conveniently vacant. So now he works in the garrison, and all the new recruits are lusting after him, and half of my lieutenants of both sexes too," she said, clearly bragging, not minding that Renhiro, who was sitting not two paces from them, could hear her just fine. She also didn't mind the fact that he had thrust his tongue into Kintaro's mouth and his hand down Kintaro's pants. She only barked, "No necking in public! Get a tent!" They got up and disappeared into the darkness, and with them a dozen of nomads and cavalrymen (and cavalrywomen) who had been similarly occupied.

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