𝕯𝖚𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕮𝖑𝖚𝖇

710 21 21

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All houses were called to something rather strange

"Alright Slytherins !" Said Frank Rosier , the Slytherin prefect

Belle looked at the prefect with Pansy by her side , she wasn't with Draco because he was with Crabbe and Goyle

"Today, the school is announcing a dueling club"

"For what?" Belle asked

"We don't know yet but all Slytherin girls line up here !" He gestured " and all the boys here"

They all obeyed at what the prefect said and lined up by order

Frank Rosier the nephew of Evan Rosier , a death eater, was a very responsible, cunning , handsome 4th year boy ... Pansy looked up to him no matter what

Draco sneered

"Got eyes for him Pansy?" Belle teased

"Oh shut it Isabelle Malfoy" said Pansy

"Okay Slytherin !make sure to be quiet, we don't wanna lose house points , especially when we are in the Lead"he said sternly , and they walked out

Belle's eyes widened at what pansy said , she blushed really really hard ,looking down with a little smile making its way across her face

"He already has a girlfriend... It's that stupid Clearwater girl from Raven--" she stopped "OH-- calm down you Malfoy, you aren't married yet!" Snarled Pansy

Belle was about to say something but nothing came out , everyone was looking at them now

"You're going out with Malfoy?"
"Oh wow"
"Congrats Isabelle !"
"I can't believe you fancy him"
Said The Slytherin girls who were now surrounding them with interest

Belle was getting dizzy at what they were saying and they were to close around her , she hates it when it's too crowded

"Shush!" Said Frank

Belle held her head because she couldn't balance her self anymore ( wow exaggerating) but atleast the girls were shushed

"Oi you girls don't mess with her !" Draco said defensively

"Duh she's one of us!" Hissed the others
"We'll protect her "
" Congrats Draco"
Belle went to Draco and said " I'm dizzy" , she was now blinking her eyes cause she couldn't see properly

(Ok guys , imagine that she has like an asthma , I don't know how any of these is connected to getting dizzy but yeah just imagine)

"Are you okay?" He kissed her forehead , holding her

Frank hissed "excuse me Mr. And Mrs. Malfoy no snogging in the halls "

Belle glared at him , Draco growled

They arrived at the hall And they went to there proper place , standing straight

"Gather round, gather round"everybody went closer "Can you all hear me?" Said Professor Lockhart , smirking playfully , the chatting went down "excellent"

Snape rolled his eyes

"In light of the dark events of recent weeks , Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little dueling club to train you all up in case you ever need to defend yourselves, as I Myself have done on countless occasions. For full details , see my published works" he then threw his Cloak in crowd which made girls gasp

"Now if I may call my trusted assistant Professor Snape" Lockhart gestured
This made Draco snicker "Now I don't want any of you youngsters to worry.. you will still have your potions master when through with him"

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