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Blaise immediately stood next To Neville and Seamus

Draco looked at them and sneered "When are they going to actually, you know"

"Hmm... I don't know.." Belle said
They both just kept on chatting until Professor Sprout Came in...

"Good morning everyone!" She said but no one paid attention " Good morning everyone!!"" She said more loudly , this time everyone looked at her direction

Everybody greeted her back except me and Draco, we just looked at her

"Today we're gonna be learning about Mandrakes .. so now who can tell what's the property of a Mandrake root?" She asked us

Isabelle quickly raised her hand before Ms. Know it all but Professor Sprout called her first

"Ms Granger!" Said Sprout , Isabelle just rolled her eyes when Professor Sprout said that, she glared at hermonie darkly

"A Mandrake or Mandragora is a powerful restorative" hermonie said and took a deep breath,
She was about to continue but Prof. Sprout interrupted

"Ms. Montague please continue her explanation"

"Oh,it is also quite dangerous , the Mandrakes cry is fatal to anyone who hears it " Belle said straight

"How excellent! Both of you! 5 points will be rewarded to Slytherin and Gryffindor" she said gleefully

Isabelle grinned and Draco patted her back " well done mate, the mudblood's irritated" he said while smirking and half smiling , Belle just giggled in return

"Alright take your earmuffs " she said while putting hers "and pull!" The Mandrake immediately screamed and whined , Professor Sprout transfered it to another pot and started to transfer dirt .Neville suddenly fainted

"Looks like Longbottom has been neglecting his earmuffs" she said while shooking her head

Me and Draco laughed "what a dim - wit" he said

Blaise growled at him "I'll take care of Neville , Professor"

"Uh sure take him to madam Pomfrey"

"Blaise in love " Draco and Isabelle made gestures of hearts and fainting in love and pretending to blush, Isabelle laughed after that ,along with Draco

"Shut it you two!" Blaise said

" Pshh, go to the infirmary to snog your boyfriend, hurry!" He said smirking

Blaise stood and took Neville carrying him outside of the room

Professor. Sprout coughed " alright grasped your Mandrakes "

Isabelle was just watching their conversation.. dang Blaise was strong to carry a fat dim - wit .. anyways she grasped her mandrake , Draco did the same

"Now lift them up!"

We all lift our mandrakes and it was the most painful yet bareable sound I ever heard ... A few moments later I saw Draco tickling his mandrake which made me giggle , after that he decided to be a show off and put his finger in the Mandrakes mouth ... I burst out of laughter when I saw him struggling to pull it out .. when he got it out he glared at the mandrake and put it back in the pot . Draco splattered the pot with soil and glared at it " stupid Mandrake" he said
I giggled which made him grin.

Skip time
I now only realized that I might have
A crush on Draco... Well just alittle I guess...

To be continued

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