Chapter 15: A Rude New Acquaintance, A Hidden Talent and a Missing Phone

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I wish I could explain the magical way sunshine scattered, in a pinkish-orange tone, through the skyscrapers in Manhattan that evening and how the landscape almost made me feel better about that day, but I don't think I could do it justice. Turning my back on the couch, I looked back inside the house through the glass doors of the terrace where abound ten people sat on the couches in front of the TV – on TMZ Live – or pacing around the room on their phones or tablets, trying to keep the situation under control. Even Jinu, Nathan and Eddy were there, getting the door or everyone drinks, trying to do what they could. I couldn't see Lisa anymore, she was probably still in her bedroom, cuddling with Vodka to try and channel her anger out. I mean the dog. Cuddling with Vodka, the beverage, was my way of channeling my anger out.

Arriving straight from London just a couple of hours earlier, her private secretary, Edward Lane-Fox, was sitting in a leather chair in the corner, holding a glass of scotch, not one bit happy with the situation he had arrived in. Lisa didn't seem very well when she did, which is why I had made my way to them at that exact moment, wondering who the guy I could at that point only call 'angry looking British man' was.

"Hello", I said, then. Angry British man's eyes went from my head to my toes in pure unaltered judgment. He didn't say anything.

"Jennie", Lisa started, "This is my private secretary,-"

"Edward!", I finished. "Lisa's talked about you, what a surprise". Edward stared at me.

"Please", he said, in the heavy British accent, "Call me sir," By his side, Lisa closed her eyes and let out a sigh. "Lane-Fox, being strict. LF will do if you're looking to save time. Although, ideally, I'd like to believe there is no need for us to grow attached to one another."

"Edward", Lisa let out in a warning sigh. I was in shock.

"A nude photograph", Edward said, his teeth not moving, turning to her. "After the last nine months we've had-"

"I know", Lisa said, hands on her hips. "Jennie could you excuse us for a-"

"Do you think this is a game?!", Edward asked her. "Don't you remember the amount of hard work we had to do to get you through the Vegas scandal?", he was whispering now, exasperated, nonetheless. "I've been telling you, you need to be more open to media exposure for years, but, Lisa, do you think this is the way to do it?!"

"I didn't plan this!", Lisa returned her tone.

"You came here to work, but back home all we hear is about you going to clubs and parties-"

"Uh, excuse me?", I interrupted. Edward took a deep breath before looking at me.

"Yes?", he asked. I wasn't sure why I had called the attention to me, I guess it just seemed so ridiculous that Lisa had to hear all of that, but the moment his stern face was on my direction I was suddenly overcome with feeling very small. Edward sighed. "You must be the actress."

"I-uh, I guess you could say that. I mean, I'm an actress, not sure if I'm the-"

"Are you that actress?", he pointed at the television, still on TMZ Live, where Harvey Levin was saying something as a selfie of me and Lisa taken in Brazil in the pier on my backyard fluttered across the screen. A selfie no one was supposed to see.

"Yes, that's", I started, my voice disappearing on my throat. "That's me."

"And Lisa", he added.

"What's your point, Edward?", Lisa asked.

"My point is usually how this would have gone is, and don't pretend you don't know this, Lisa, the two of us would only have met in about two years from now, assuming, of course the relationship had survived that long, but you're a particularly problematic one, aren't you? So we had to fasten things up", he spoke softly, casually, not full of anger or bitterness, but with just enough enunciation so that anyone could tell he was being perfectly polite and reasonable, despite still extremely mad. By his right, Lisa was rolling her eyes. "So, Miss Kim, is it? Or do you prefer Ruby Jane?"

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