Chapter 42.

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When the policemen that had accompanied my father and Parker's shut the door with Rick and his associates handcuffed inside for several counts of kidnapping and conspiracy to commit fraud, I could see Parker's shoulders relax.

Rick looked shocked enough to not be able to say anything. My Dad rushed over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Alex, are you okay? I was so worried," he practically smothered me.

"I'm fine, Dad. Really. I'm sorry you got worried, but they took my phone," I said, my voice coming out a little muffled.

Parker took a few steps towards his Dad who was still breathing deeply and glaring the direction of his ex-wife. Claudia stood by him, with a strange expression on her face.

My Dad pulled me over to the three of them.

"How'd you know where I was?" I asked.

My Dad looked over at Parker's Dad. "Well, it was a little late and I called you to ask if you needed dinner. When there was no answer, I called Hanna. She told me that you're not with her and I got really worried. I was pretty sure you didn't run away so I called Fred."

Parker's Dad nodded. "When George called, I had already found the pearl necklace you dropped in my house, Claudia." Claudia raised her hand to touch her empty neck. "From there, with all the talk of Crown and all the dealings we've done, we put two and two together."

"How did you know to come here?" she asked.

"Your father told me about Rick before he died, Claudia. He told me about your first son. I dug into the boy and found out about him years ago, but I never told anyone because I didn't think it would lead to anything. The last time I met your father, he told me he's going to leave everything to Parker. He made me promise him that I'll educate him well for him to be able to take over. He told me Parker's a smart boy." He smiled at his son, who looked sheepish. "I never knew that Patrick was harassing Parker. I never knew he even knew where to find Parker. I guess I've been away too long."

Fred looked a little sad and my Dad clapped him on the shoulder.

"I think we've both been away too long," he said, looking a little melancholic, "Our kids have been going through too much on their own."

Parker's Dad looked like he was about to cry.

"Dad, no," Parker said, firmly, "None of this is your fault. I didn't want you involved in it."

"Parker, I'm your father. I'm supposed to be keeping you out of trouble. Not the other way around," he put his arm around Parker and pulled him closer. Claudia stood silent and motionless.

"I would have never known about any of this if a certain Michael Rosenbaum hadn't approached me a few days ago."

Claudia looked bewildered.

"He came up to me when I was in San Francisco and told me everything that was going on. He told me had felt an obligation to tell me because he didn't think I knew," Fred told everyone, "And I couldn't think of anything other than telling George and trying to work something out."

"We worked on a plan to get Patrick for everything he's been doing and today, at the risk of my daughter, we got that chance," my Dad said, hugging me a little tighter.

"We called a friend of mine at the police department and made sure we have everything we need to take them down."

"Mr. Wesley, we're ready to take them now. Is there anything else?" a police officer asked, walking up to us.

"No, officer," Fred shook his head, "Thank you for everything."

He nodded and walked away.

"Michael, George and I sorted out a lot of things before we came down here," he said, "So, you don't have to think about all of this ever again Parker, okay?"

Tears welled in Parker's eyes as he nodded to his Dad and in my mind, I could see all the bruises and cuts and scrapes he had. I was so thankful he didn't have to go through it anymore.

"I'm sorry, Parker," Claudia said, in a soft voice.

Fred turned to his ex-wife. "Don't even think about it, Claudia. You've caused this boy enough pain. I don't even think I can stomach hearing what he had to go through because you couldn't find a backbone to stand up to some lowlife."

"He's my son, too. I felt bad," she said.

"Bad enough that you let him maim my son?" Fred practically bellowed as the cop cars drove away.

"Fred," my Dad said, gently.

I had never seen Parker's Dad so angry. He held back when he heard my Dad's voice. "I want you to leave, Claudia."

She looked at him and he nodded.

"I don't want you in Parker's life anymore. He can decide if he wants to speak to you after he turns eighteen, but for now, I want you out," he said, "I have always had full custody of Parker and my god, Claudia, you've ruined his childhood and enough is enough. This is the last straw. Collect your things from this house and leave. This property belongs to Parker and I will help him run it until he's old enough to do it on his own."

Parker was quiet through the whole statement. It was clear to me that at this moment, he wanted little to do with his mother.

"How could you put your own son in harm's way like that? You've always baffled me, but this is beyond belief. You've really outdone yourself. Please go back to Washington," he said, dismissively, "I think you've caused enough trouble."

Claudia stood up tall and waved to her driver who started the car. She looked somber and out of place in our gathering, as she always had been. She stepped close to Parker and raised her hands to his face.

"I'm sorry, Parker," she said, once again, softly.

Parker watched her silently, without a movement.

She gazed at him for a few moments and then nodded to Fred, my Dad and I and walked to her car. She got in and the car drove away, without a second glance.

Fred pulled his son into a hug and Parker just embraced his father.

"You're safe, Parker."

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