Chapter 13.

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Saturday dawned with a missile launched at my head. I groaned, turning over on to my stomach to hide my face. My head was still throbbing a little and I really didn't want to be woken up on a Saturday morning. Especially after the night I had had. I felt myself being whacked with a pillow over and over again.

"Stop it!" I complained, "Stop it! My head hurts!"

"Figures! That punch had tequila or some alcoholic shit in it. Looks like you're not as innocent as you'd like everyone to think you are," Hanna taunted.

I sat up. "Huh?" I blinked at her, in the sudden light that was hitting my eyes.

She shrugged and sat down on my bed next to me. "You've always said that you'd never drink and here you are, hung over."

"Yeah," I said, vaguely, "Say, Hanna, what happened last night?"

She gave me a look and then looked down at me. "I hope that you had your clothes on at all times."

My eyes widened and I smacked her. "Of course I did!"

She giggled. "OK. So after you left the dance floor, I just danced and at around ten thirty, when I was looking for you, Chloe told me that Parker took you home." She raised her eyebrows at me.

I nodded, hoping that she didn't notice that I wasn't completely sure, either. Parker brought me home? That would explain the open window.

"So what happened between you two?" she asked, leaning into me.

My heart sped up; last night's events rushing back to me, all at once, threatening to take me over the edge. I felt slightly nauseous so I got up and ran to the toilet, emptying all the Death Fruit Punch I had induced last night into the toilet. Once I did, I felt the thousand times better. Even a smile managed to cross my face. Hanna walked in behind me. "Better?" she asked, probably an expert at this stuff. I nodded. "Well, good," she sighed, "Because you better get ready and come because we've got the carwash today and honey, we're going to need every last penny to make this the best Senior trip in the history of Jamison High, ever!"

Hanna was always excited about school related jamborees, while I tried my best to stay the hell away from them, until times like this when I had no option, but to follow my best friend with extreme school spirit around to a fest with my tactless, idiotic classmates and Blake and Jackson. Blake.

"Hey, Hanna, do you know if Blake is back from his grandmother's?" I asked, as she walked back to my room.

She turned and waggled her eyebrows at me. "He sure is!"


The sun was pouring down on to the school parking lot and I galvanized myself in sunscreen before I set foot outside the shade of the school building. So many people were already there when Hanna finally managed to drag me there, running around in the sun, washing cars like they'd been doing it all their life. The cheerleaders were dressed in red bikinis and were doing the invaluable service of marketing, which meant holding out sign, out by the entrance to the school and waving it around for poor lonesome, hormonal boys to fall for and pocket out thirty bucks to get their not-so-dirty cars washed, while they flirted with Chanel and her posse. I had nothing against them wearing their bikinis, but honestly, be a little more discreet.

I rolled my eyes, tying my shirt under my ribcage and grabbing a bucket and a sponge. I walked over to the stand that had been put up for people to pay and I walked up to Mr. Faulkner. "I'm here, Mr. Faulkner, you can sign me up for a car," I told him. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Alexandra," I flinched. Hardly anyone called me that. "Good. Well, you can go back there and help your friend, Hanna. She's working alone on that jeep."

I nodded and walked over to the red jeep Hanna was scrubbing with passion. "I'm here, partner."

"Good, will you wash off as I soap?" she said, all business.

"Sure." I grabbed the hose and washed off all the water and wiped down the windshield. The guy who owned the jeep came over after we were done and handed me a fifty.

He smiled, well, smirked. "Keep the change," he said, before winking, getting in the jeep and driving away. Hanna walked over to me, wiping the sweat off her brow.

"Looks like someone got lucky."

I laughed and handed the money over to the stand and walked away, heading for a red Chevy, which belonged to one of our teachers and started scrubbing it on my own. There was loud music playing and for once, it wasn't just pop and country, so I was able to enjoy it. I leaned over the car scrubbing away and I turned to dip my sponge once more in the soapy bucket and came face to face with someone's tanned torso. It was impeccable with a smooth six pack perfectly visible, from the slight slant of his stance. It was heaven. There was a tattoo on the side, written downwards.

Tomorrow never comes.


I raised my head slowly, to meet his eyes. He was looking down at me, indifferently. All the feeling that had been rising in my heart faded as I looked at him. "When you're done with this, Mr. Faulkner wants you to come and man the stand," he said, gruffly, his usual cold demeanour returned.

I nodded, wondering if he was thinking about our kiss, the same way that I was. I turned and placed the sponge on the bonnet of the car I was scrubbing and wiped the sweat off my forehead. "Thanks for bringing me home last night," I told Parker and turned to see his reaction, but he was already halfway across the parking lot, catching the attention of every girl he passed, standing a head taller than everyone else.

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