Chapter twenty-six

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After our steamy make out session I headed back to my room for the night. There were so many thoughts that were circulating in my head but I knew one thing for sure, I had to figure out a way to prove The Phantoms innocence.

"Tamara wake up!" Karissa yelled.

"Ah Karissa, she's not there." Rachelle state's.

"What? Where is she?"

Jen just came out the bathroom at this point. "I saw her get up hours ago. I asked her what's up but she seemed occupied. She said that once the three of us were all up she wanted us to meet her on the roof."

"But what about work?" Karissa asked.

"Weren't you guys paying attention last night? Practice got cancelled for the next few days because of Raul murder. Derek and Sawyer want to find the murderer first before we are ready to perform Swan Lake." Rachelle answered.

"That makes sense. Well what are we all waiting for? Let's go find Tamara!" Karissa stated.

"Tamara what is the-

"Georgie!" They all said before bombarding her with hugs.

"Georgie it's so nice to see you! What are you doing here?" Karissa asked.

"I invited her here for breakfast. Even though we don't all work together anymore doesn't mean we should avoid each other. Plus I organized thus picnic as a I'm sorry we've been such jerk friends lately." I said behind them.

"Thank you Tamara! I really appreciate it and I've missed you all terribly!" Georgie said.

We all sat down on the picnic blanket that overlooked the city. Once everything was unpacked I got into the second reason I wanted us all here together. "So there was another reason I wanted you all up here. I talked to Erik last night and he said he didn't kill Raul, and I believe him."

"And how would you know this?" Karissa excused. 

"I um-

"Is this girl talk? I'm all in" said this new guy that I have never seen before.

"Jason! How did you find us?" Karissa asked.

"Wait Karissa, who is this guy and how do you know him?" Georgie said as eyed the new guy up and down.

"This is my friend Jason. We are both music nerds together. He's kinda been my outlet during all of your phantom drama." Karissa answered.

"Wait you know everything that has happened in my life so far?" I asked.

"Yes, and I haven't told anyone about your secret lovers location. But damn girl you like them twisted." He answered.

"He is not her lover!" Karissa exclaimed.

"Well not yet anyways." I hinted.

"Tamara! Do you have something new to tell us?" Jen asked excitingly.

"All I'm going to say is I don't like to kiss and tell."

"Oh my gosh your blushing! This is so not fair! You got to make out with a hot guy in a mysterious mask and I haven't kissed anyone yet!" Jen exclaimed.

"Your jealous of that? You all have problems if you think any of this is okay." Jason said.

"Hey! Don't judge him until you have seen him." I said.

"Yeah once you've taken a look at him you will be jealous of Tamara too!" Jen said supportively.

"Are you guys hearing yourselves! Hello he's a murderer! Tamara when I said you could love anyone I meant people with tattoos or piercings, not someone who has hanged a bunch of people!" Karissa exclaimed.

"But that's why I called you all up here. He didn't kill Raul!" I said.

"But how do you know that?" Georgie asked.

"Because I saw the look in his eyes when he told me. Plus he was with me when the murder took place. Karissa and Sawyer even saw us." I answered.

"Then why don't you go to the police with this information?" Jen asked.

"Because then I will have to give away Erik's whereabouts and I will get in trouble for keeping his hiding place a secret." I answered.

"Whoa! I know I just met you all but this is some serious business you all are involved in!" Jason exclaimed.

"You're not going to give away this information are you? Because if you are then I will personally hold a grudge against you for the rest of my life." Jen threatened.

"No, I was just going to say I love that I've found people that are as crazy as me. And I was going to ask how I can help." Jason said.

"So you believe me?" I asked brightening up a little bit.

"Of course we do! And we will help you clear his name. Where do we start?" Georgie asked.

"Before we go any further I have some big news. My parents are making me come back home because of The Phantom scandal. I leave this afternoon," Rachelle said.

"What! Oh I'm so sad to see you go! But we totally understand!" Jen said.

After we finished up our peace picnic we all said goodbye to Rachelle as she left. Some friendships are for the moment and while she was here it was great. Maybe we'll see her once The Phantom drama is over.

"No! No! No! I don't like this plan!" Karissa exclaimed.

"Come on Karissa you know it's the right things to do." Georgie urged.

"Yeah but just because it's right doesn't mean I have to like it." Karissa mumbled.

"Come let's go before anyone see's us in Carlottas old dressing room!" I hissed almost tripping over what I assumed was some strange and strong odoured perfume.

"Yeah, once the four of us get down there it won't be so as bad as you remembered." Jen said cheerfully.

After Rachelle left we all came to an agreement. We knew if we want to clear The Phantom we had to go down to his lair and talk to him. The four of us were going to sneak down while our new friend Jason distracted Andrew. While the rest of us were on board, my sister wasn't quite yet. She still didn't approve but she doesn't like any guy I'm interested in. Hopefully this was the first step in the right direction and sooner rather than later, The Phantom will be free.

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