Chapter Six

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"Tamara keep the door open! I can't hold my trunk and the door at the same time!" Karissa yelled at me.

"Oops sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I apologized to her. "I'm just so excited that we finally get to move out of this dingy apartment."

"I know I thought we would never leave." Jen said agreeing with me.

"Are we ready to head to the opera house?" I asked.

"Yes I finally got my trunk in, without any help from you I might add. " Karissa said glaring towards me.

"Ok I think we are ready to go. We are all packed up except for Rachelle because she already has her things there." I said.

"Yeah she had to leave early this morning but she says she will meet us there." Jen said.

"Ok let's get going then." I said.


When we arrived at the opera house we immediately went inside the building. We looked around again and started to head towards the statues but then I remembered something.

"Do any of you guys know where we are going?" I asked.

"No I just thought we should head towards the staircase." Jen answered.

"Wait I remember what we our suppose to do. Andrew was going take us to our sleeping chambers and then he was going to take us on a tour of the building." Georgie remembered.

"Oh yeah right! Andrew is supposedly the new hot guy around here." Karissa said with a slight blush to her face.

"There he is now! Hi Andrew!" Georgie said in a chirpy voice.

"Hello there miss Georgie, how are you today?" Andrew asked in his Australian accent.

All of us sighed at his appearance. He was tall, and he looked like he was in his early twenties. He had light brown hair and a fit body. He had a square jaw but that only enhanced his beauty and he had forest green eyes. To top it off he had a really deep Australian accent.

"Georgie I don't know how you don't have a crush on him. I mean he's gorgeous." Jen stated.

"Shhhh he could hear you, I don't know I'm just not attracted to him that much." Georgie snapped.

"Well your loss, lets go and introduce ourselves." Jen said walking towards him.

"Hi I'm-

"Jen don't do that!" I exclaimed while I dragged her away to a separate hallway. Karissa followed me and we left Georgie alone by the staircase talking to Andrew.

"Have you forgotten what times we live in. In this day and age a lady can't go up and introduce ourselves. We have to wait until he acknowledges us." I emphasized.

"Well that might take a while because right now he only has eyes for Georgie." Karissa said.

"Oh poo, you're right. Well that sucks, how are we going to get to talk to any guys with rules like these." Jen pouted.

"We can talk to guys first but it's not proper etiquette." Karissa stated.

"Well we might as well head back to Georgie." Jen said.

When we walked back to Georgie and Andrew they were still deep in conversation. I didn't want to break them up but I really wanted to get my stuff in my room. Just when I was going to break up their conversation Georgie spoke to us first.

"Oh there you guys are, I was wondering where you went. " Georgie said.

"We thought we spotted a hot guy but we were mistaken." I said on the spot.

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