"Crap, I forgot to tell you, she's vegan." I told her.

"That's alright love, I actually didn't cook much meat anyway, although I used a lot of animal products.. It'll be okay, right?"

"I suppose," I said.

"Dan?" Adrian called.

"Yes?" I said back.

"I might steal your girlfriend!" He laughed, walking into the kitchen with (y/n).

She laughed, her dimples enhanced.

"She's pretty hot though," he whispered.

"In your dreams," I said, kissing her.

He made a gagging face.

"It smells like hot cocoa in here, and it smells amazing," (y/n) complimented Mum, although I could tell she was uncomfortable seeing meat in the house.

I got out my phone and texted her, so I didn't have to say it directly.

Me- "Sorry love, I forgot to tell her. I just got used to it. I love you."

She replied immediately.

Her <3- "It's okay, honey. I'll manage ;*"

I locked my phone and sat next to her.

After about 10 minutes, my dad came downstairs.

"Daniel! No one told me you arrived! Who's this beauty?" He gestured to (y/n).

They introduced themselves to each other.

We sat at the dinner table, and said a blessing.

We all nibbled at our food, talking and laughing.

(Y/n) looked stunning, and she was having a great time.

"Guys, look outside the window!" Adrian pointed, "it's snowing!"

We all looked out, and (y/n) got excited.

"Sorry, where I used to live, it didn't snow often at ,allhe laughed, and my family did to.

After dinner, the snow sped up.

(Y/n) offered to do the dishes, but Mun made Dad do them.

"Oh, Dan. The gifts are still in the car!" She told me.

"I'll be right back then," I said, kissing her cheek.

"You don't have to spoil me, darling," she said, grabbing my hand.

"Oops," I said, grabbing a thicker jacket, and walking to the car.

There were only about 8 gifts in total, two for each.

It snowed gently, and I went back indoors.

"It's quite cold out there," I said, opening the door.

(Y/n) helped my with the gifts and sat them by the tree.

She took my scarf off, and grabbed my jacket.

"Well, you're glad I made you wear all of those clothes, aren't you?" She said giggling.

I loved her laugh so much.

Dad dried his hands, and sat down on the love seat with Mum.

Adrian sat in a big chair, and (y/n) and I had the couch.

"Thank you for coming, it's been a pleasure having you here," Mum said.

"Thank you for inviting me," her American accent popped out in the room full of Brits.

Adrian looked over at the tree.

"Alright, since you're dying to know what you got, gift time?" I asked.

Everyone nodded.

I handed my mum her two first, then Adrian's, then (y/n)'s, then Dad's, then I got mine.

"I only got two crackers," Dad said, "But you guys go on ahead."

Before we opened gifts, we popped them.

Adrian and (y/n) did one, and Mum and I did one.

I won mine, and Adrian one his.

We all laughed, and started opening gifts.

I opened mine from Adrian first, and laughed.

"This-ah, it brings back so many memories!" I said.

I got a Winnie the Pooh picture frame with a picture of he and I sitting, watching the show.

I teared up ever so slightly, and hugged him.

Then, in a card in the gift bag, I got some money from my parents.

"Thanks you guys!" I told them.

Then it was (y/n)'s turn.


I opened up a wrapped box and loved what I saw.

"I love it!" I said, my eyes glimmering, and I could tell I was blushing.

It was a collage of Dan and I from all of the videos we've done together, and it was in the shape of the YouTube logo, a box with a play button.

Adrian had made it.

Then, like Dan, I got some money.

"Thank you so much," I smiled, straightening a piece of hair.

Adrian opened his, and he opened my gift first.

"Are you kidding? A 3DS XL?" He said excitedly and smiled, "Thank you, (y/n)!"

And from Dan, he got new band posters from bands, of which he loved.

Dan's parents opened their things, and we were all happy.

We talked about Boxing Day two days from now, but I wasn't going to do any shopping. I'd probably still be cleaning up, sleeping, or catching up on social media.

"Mind if I go outside? Sorry, I just really love the snow," I laughed.

"Not at all, actually, I want to as well!" Adrian said.

Eventually, my boyfriend's entire family was outside.

I loved them, they were so kind, and Adrian reminded me of my three siblings back home.

Adrian and I walked around in the snow with Dan, as he was the boyfriend, of course.

Adrian was like my little buddy, we related well as we were only three years apart.

After a while, we went indoors.

It was only 9:30, but I was sleepy, and I'd call my family tomorrow with Elise.

I grabbed my backpack and Dan's and headed towards the guest room where his mom showed me earlier.

We got into our pajamas and climbed into bed.

"Did you enjoy your night? Sorry if they seemed odd," Dan said looking at me with his beautiful brown eyes, which ran in the family.

"Of course I did, and they didn't at all. Now, baby, I'm tired," I giggled.

I eventually nodded off.

Dan's POV

I couldn't sleep, so I waited for the sun to rise, and when it did, it was finally Christmas Day.

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And a Pinch of Love (a Dan Howell x Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now