I: Jungkook

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That's what it means to be a werewolf.

From a young age, we are taught to obey our elders and those who have power over us. We may not have been given proper parents and schooling, but we learned to survive and we learned how to obey. It may sound harsh, but that's normal in our community. We're bred into a pack and forced into submission the day we come out of the womb. No crying, no begging, and certainly no talking back. You take what you are given, and are thankful, or, at least you have to be to your owner's face. Behind their backs you can be anything but, but to their face, you have to show respect and be grateful that you even got a handful of scraps that day.

Packs amongst us are not what you hear in your storybooks. Our pack just happens to own an entire apartment building for all of us to sleep in. We are roomed in groups of four and housed in the five levels until it's time for us to be sorted and sold to the higher class vampires in the city. The apartments are used as a sort of school to teach us the proper ways to serve our masters. Each rooming system is equipped with a temporary "master", which is really just one of the older wolves who never got bought. I would guess it's because of their ugly faces, but that could just be me. We are to wake up every morning and wait in our bedrooms for the master to put our collars on and allow us to bathe and get ready for the day.

It may sound like an easy morning ritual, but it's not when you're only given 6 minutes to shower and be dry and dressed. Dressing alone takes around 3 minutes, which leaves less than 2 to shower, unless it's a good day and they allow us 10. After our showers we are to make breakfast for the master and wait until instructed on what to do next. The routine really depends on the day, and the master assigned to our room. Once you get used to it, though, the 6 minutes seems easy and your day passes quickly with some free time before bed daily.

I was lucky enough to be blessed with the roommate I was. When I was little I heard horror stories of wolves hitting their rut too early and absolutely demolishing their poor roommate, or accidentally shifting fully and being unable to shift back before devouring the boy next to them. I was terrified to meet my new roommate, but instead of being met with one of the burly, large teen boys I had around me, I met the most beautiful, sweet, and loving man I'd ever known.

Park Jimin.

His pretty pink lips were immediately turned up in a grin when he first saw me, a shaking, scared boy, not even 8 years old. He took care of me and helped me more that I thought someone could. He is my best friend and I couldn't bear the thought of not being able to sleep beside him at night, despite the punishments it gets me when I do.

Even now, as I lay in bed, reading the book one of the girls across the hallway gave me, he's taking his pretty fingers through my hair and flipping through a magazine quietly.

He'd always been into things like that. Magazines and beauty and stuff. I told him he should become a model when he gets released after a couple years, and he simply laughed it off, calling me adorable and falling asleep. I still thought he should, though. Those pretty pink lips should be on display for everybody, and I honestly wish those lips could be mine one day...

But I was 18, now. The only way Jimin could be mine was if I turned 25 and I still wasn't bought at any of the auctions. I was surprised Jimin hadn't been bought yet. He was 23 and still couldn't seem to catch the attention of anyone, which I honestly couldn't believe. His features were striking for a werewolf.

My thoughts were interrupted when the door slammed open, and I yelped as I threw myself off of Jimin's chest and obediently sat on my knees on the floor, head bowed towards the master that walked in. Jimin knelt beside me and let out a quiet, exhausted sigh.

"Lights out, pups. Get in bed." The man spoke as he removed our collars and waited for us to obey. I climbed under my light blue covers and curled up on my side, my tail patting quietly against the mattress beneath me.

Master stayed for a moment or two, probably waiting for Jimin to crawl into bed, before switching off the light and locking the door as he left.


The room was dark and quiet around me, the air biting and cold. I shivered as I burrowed under my covers and let out a quiet whine as my tail continued to pat quietly against my mattress. There was some shuffling behind me before I heard Jimin speak softly.

"Come here, Kookie. Don't be scared..."

I quickly scampered out of my bed and into Jimin's arms, burrowing my face into his chest and wrapping my arm around his curved waist protectively. He smiled down at me and covered us up for laying on his back and raking his fingers through my hair. He knew that petting me always calmed me down, and always made sure to scratch behind my ears like I really liked.

"Kookie... your first auction is coming up."
He spoke quietly to me. I let out a tiny whimper and curled up even more in his arms.

"Are you nervous..?" He scratched my scalp and I hesitated for only a moment before shaking my head.

"I don't think so... I-I just don't wanna go anywhere without you..." I whispered, making him chuckle softly and pull me closer.

"You're not gonna be able to stay here with me forever, Kookie, you know that... It's our job to be someone else's submissive. To serve someone. We can't serve each other..." He whispered and I sighed softly in defeat.

I knew this, yet I still allowed myself to dive into fantasies. Maybe I was just a kid like everyone said. I wasn't ready to serve someone like I was taught, I just wanted to stay right where I was. But I knew what I had to do...

So, I cuddled close to Jimin and let myself close my eyes and drift off into a heavy sleep.


Hey guys! Here's the first chapter. It may a jumbled mess lol, but I hope you enjoy! Jungkookie's such a baby, and Jimin is one of my favorite people ever, lol. I love the dynamic between them and I can't wait to develop it more! If you have any ideas or anything, I'd love to hear from you!

ByeBye for now!

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