Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"You surely are surrounded by lovely ladies, my king."

"She is just as lovely as her name."

"She shares your beauty, Nellie."

In celebration of the young princess, the king made a party in honor of her birth. The dukes and duchesses, lords and counts, and saintly fairies from the kingdom attended. All except the witch, Maleficent.

In the attendants, there was also King Richard from a kingdom in Spain. King Richard had a son, Prince Phillip who came to the party also. It was expected that Prince Phillip and Princess Aurora would marry and create an union between the two kingdoms.

"Sebastian, it is good to see you," King Richard said.

"Same goes to you, Richard," King Sebastian replied. "I believe this is your son." he gestured towards the boy.

"Ah, yes. Young Phillip here came to meet his future spouse."

"Father!" Prince Phillip exclaimed.

"It is alright, boy. I doubt you will meet so much for she is just a baby now," King Sebastian stated.

"Richard, it is good to see you," said the lovely voice of Queen Nellie as she approached the men.

"Same goes for you, Nellie. I take it this your daughter," King Richard gestured towards the baby that Queen Nellie was holding, "Princess Aurora."

"Yes, she is," Queen Nellie replied.

Prince Phillip craned his neck to get a look at her. When he saw her, he couldn't understand why people mentioned she was beautiful. She was no different from any other maid. He was not looking forward to a future with Princess Aurora.

"She is just a baby now. When she is older, she will be the fairest of them all. Even more beautiful than the maidens in your homeland," Queen Nellie stated noticing the agitated looks Prince Phillip gave Aurora.

"And she will be gifted," came the voice of one of the fairies. "Your majesty, my name is Flora and these are my sisters, Fauna and Merryweather. We have come a long way to deliver our gifts to the Princess Aurora."

"You may go on," said King Sebastian.

Flora, a fairy with flowers gracing her dress and light brown hair, was the first to deliver her gift. She walked towards the young princess and stated, "My gift to you was going to be the gift of beauty. However, you are already graced with that gift. Therefore, my gift to you is that of wisdom. You shall be clever and bright. A natural leader."

Fauna, a fairy with brown hair tied in a braid and falling behind her flowing dress, was the next to step forward. "My gift to you," she started, "is the gift of courage. You shall be brave and strong. A natural fighter."

Before Merryweather could step forward, the lights in the room darkened. Purple smoke invaded the room, and Maleficent appeared in sight.

"A party for my niece!" she shrieked, "Sebastian and Nellie, you shouldn't have."

"What do you want, Maleficent?" King Sebastian's cold voice demanded.

"Well, I wasn't invited. I should at least be able to bring a gift to my dear niece."

"You didn't invite my sister," Queen Nellie huffed at her husband. "Why is that so?"

"Oh Nellie, who minds now. I am here to bring a gift and that is what matters," Maleficent bellowed. "If you don't mind, Sebastian," she walked towards Aurora. "Princess Aurora," she continued, "you are beautiful and will grow to be as pretty as my sister. However, you will also be like your father. Filled with pride and thirsty for revenge. We can not allow that, and that is why on your eighteenth birthday you shall be scratched by a wolf and die."

"Maleficent!" Queen Nellie screeched.

"What is done is done. I am sorry, Nellie, but we can not let people like your husband live on in this kingdom," Maleficent stated softly.

"Knights, get this damned woman!" King Sebastian ordered.

"But why stop the celebration now! Till' we meet again, Nellie. Sebastian." A cloud of smoke engulfed Maleficent. When the smoke dispersed, the witch was not seen. The lights went back to shining brightly. King Sebastian and Queen Nellie, however, we're left scared.

"Can you do something?" King Sebastian pleaded to Merryweather, the fairy who still had to deliver her gift to Aurora.

"I am afraid, that what is done is done," Merryweather confessed. "However, I could work around it." Merryweather stepped forward, her long black hair falling behind her back and her flowing dress. "Princess Aurora shall not die but fall in an eternal sleep. She shall awake from this sleep by a kiss of true love."

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