Chapter 6 The End?

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After defeating the Cybermen & Daleks all the other Doctors & their companions left, & the Doctor & Clara we're going back to the TARDIS to go back to Clara's house when a damage dalek was approaching them the Doctor saw it & pushed Clara out of the way & the dalek shot the Doctor & he dropped to the ground Clara started Crying
Dalek Supreme- Weapon systems recharging the Doctor is dead
but Clara grabbed a neutralizer and pointed it at the Dalek
Clara- You killed the man I love now you're gonna pay
Dalek Supreme- You would not hurt me scanners show you are the Doctors companion
Clara- Think again but you can't hurt me cause you're damage & your weapon systems are recharging I heard you say that now beg
Dalek Supreme- Mercy
Clara- Again
Dalek Supreme- Mercy
Clara- One more time
Dalek Supreme- MERCY!
Clara- Not on your life
She shot the Dalek dead then went back to the Doctor who was on the ground gasping for air
Clara- Please Doctor don't die I need you I love you
Doctor(13)- I love you too & a tear Clara Oswald? No don't cry while there's life there's
The Doctor closes his eyes & starts regenerating Clara stands back as she watches him regenerate there's a burst of glow from the Doctor when he awakens he sits up and looks around
Doctor(14)- I feel FANTASTIC! Haha he feels his hair which is kinda like his 11th self
Doctor- Hm something feels different he pulls out his watch and sees his ginger hair
Doctor- YES!! Finally I'm ginger & young & lookin sexy! But wait my my voice feels different oh no no no no Clara please don't tell me I'm an American!

A Rose for my valentineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon