Chapter 2 Clara's House

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The Doctor parked his T.A.R.D.I.S in front of Clara's house he held the bouquet of roses close to his chest and exited the T.A.R.D.I.S. When he glanced a pond the house he noticed the front curtains were drawn back, when Clara noticed him she smiled and waved, then scurried around the house to answer the door. But before he could knock she opened the door and practically pulled him in, Clara: "Doctor what are you doing here I thought you were gonna spend Valentine's Day alone?" Doctor:"I decided it was time for a change." Clara:"Doctor what do you mean?"
While the Doctor was trying to confess his love huge armada fleets full of Daleks & Cybermen invading Earth & sending down their troops to take over while each ship fired at each other & others down at the city
Dravos- Go fourth my Daleks & storm the city & reduce it to nothing! hahahahaha!
Cybermen King- Go my Cyber Army go now & take over the city turn all the humans into Cybermen

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