Chaper 5 Cybermen vs Daleks

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The Daleks and Cybermen engaged in their war killing and destroying anyone or anything that got in their way. The started killing all the people on the streets who were running and shooting at each other
Cybermen- Delete Delete
12th- No No No No No this isn't good
Clara- Doctor what are we gonna do?!
Twelve- I know exactly what to do
Clara- Does it involve running
Twelve- Ok I got another idea I gather my past lives
Clara- Your past lives? Won't that create a time paradox or something?
Twelve- Yes but it's a risk I'm willing to take
The Doctor runs into his TARDIS with Clara & starts messing with the controls on the console & banging on it like old time as the TARDIS starts to rumble & shake as both armies of cybermen & daleks start shooting at each other & killing any humans that got in either of their way or within the crossfire the Doctor gathers all 12 of his past lives & all 42 of his companions for old times sake but giving his old dog an all new look they all prepare for an all out battle for Earth.
1st- What this where am I & who are you?
2nd- Oh I see the TARDIS looks new I don't like it
3rd- You never do like anything
4th- Would anyone care for a jelly baby?
5th- Never mind the candy I need a new celery for my jacket
6th- Hm actually I would like to know what's with mood lighting I can barely see
7th- I have to agree there's too many stairs in here
8th- I don't mind I like it
8.5- Hm of course you would
9th- I love the new design
10th- I don't really too dark
11th- Of course you wouldn't
12th- Eh that's enough now we're dealing with all out war on our hands
All 13 Doctors & all 44 of their companions readied themselves for an ultimate battle even UNIT & Jenny Vrax & Strax were also prepared to fight. All 13 got out their sonicsrewdrivers sonic umbrella & sonic cane & even Dalek neutralizers and scattered all over the city taking down all the Daleks & Cybermen while all 13 Doctors took down the fleets of ships full of Cybermen & Daleks one by one creating an all out war on earth. It took a few months to end the war but they finally did it

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