Chapter 4: Unexpected

Start from the beginning

I didn't know what was going on but, I wanted to know why Eddie-boy was smiling at me. "Why are you looking at me like that Eddie-boy, because it's starting to creep me out," I said to Edward. Everyone just laughed, especially when I gave Edward his funny nick-name, mostly Emmett though. "It's nothing to worry about," said Edward. The rest of the time I was there, was discussing about the fact that some vampires have abilites, that the Cullens consider themselves vegitarians, and how my sister is supposedly Edward's mate. I also found out that vampires have this group or clan/coven whatever you want to call it called the Volturi, and how I'm one of there guards mate. Which I find very surprising that I'm a mate of a vampire. I also swore to secrecy that I wouldn't tell a single person about this. I even persuaded Edward to let me come to one of their family baseball games, well actually more like half of the Cullen family did. But oh well.
~Time skip to a week later~

After that one day I have been able to keep my friends (Cullens) seceret from my family. It's hard but at least the best part about it is that now I know my friends and their family trust me with there secerets. I head to my next class which is Literature, most of my "friends" were in this class but, I didn't care. And also we have the spring dance coming up, which I'm super excited for because the girls get to ask the boys. But when I think about it I would much rather go to prom, I just don't know who I would go with. Maybe I could just third-wheel it with my-. I was interupted by myself bumping into someone . . .again. "I'm so sorry I didn't see where I was going," I said to the person I bumped into. "No it's totally fine Alyssa," said the familiar voice of Mike Newton. "Hey Mike," I said already regreting going down this hallway to get to Literature. "Are you heading to Lit," asked Mike? I nod my head and start to walk to class. Mike just follows me, and is starting to get on my nerves. "Do you need something Mike? I really need to get to class.," I said. "I was wondering were going to ask me to the spring dance," Mike said very nervous. "Oh...I don't know Mike, Jessica seems like she's going to ask you but, if she doesn't I'll ask you. But that's only a maybe," I said seriously regretting this. Mike smiled enthusiastically before walking away.
"You know you didn't have to do that Lyssa," said Edward coming out of the shadows. "I know I just didn't want to hurt his feelings even if he can drive me crazy all the time," I said. Me and Eddie walked the rest of the way to the classroom, since we have Literature together. Lit was boring as always, but I managed to get through it without complaining. After Lit, I went to lunch and it was hard for me to focus because I could see Mike looking at Jessica, Bella, then at me as if he's contemplating something. I look back at Edward and he just nods his head, signally me I was right. "I'm going to get to Bio early so if you'll excuse me," I said getting up from the table, and this seemed to get Mike's attention. "I'll walk with you," said Mike. "No it's fine Mike, plus Edward promised me he would walk with me to Bio," I said looking back at Edward. 'Get your butt over here, I don't want to be stuck with him. He's annoying,' I thought to Eddie.
Edward came over to me with a knowing smirk on his face, which made me smile triumphantly. "You ready to get to Bio Lyssa," Edward questioned me? I saw him steal a quick glance at Bells, but I wasn't bothered by it anymore. "Yep," I say as we walk away leaving that whole table to gossip and leave their mouths wide open. Once we got to Bio I was thankful for the fact that my friend can read my thoughts. We greet Mr.Banner as usual before sitting down at our desks. I also forgot to mention I got a new Bio partner, the only problem is that she's friends with Bella. She is the nice one though, her name is Angela Webber. I think she's better than my sister and Edward combined. 'Sorry about that but it's true and you know it' I thought to Edward as he looked at me with an offended look written on his face. Sooner or later class started, and then it ended. I did notice Bella nor Edward talked to each other much, which disappointed me to know this wasn't going well. I followed Bells to gym class next, and let me just say it was hilarious when Bella fell over multiple times in basketball. She even brought some people on our team down with her.
After school finished, I was super excited to go home but, I was stopped when I saw Mike come over to me. Great! "Hey Mike," I said trying to sound casual. "Hey Alyssa, um . . .Jessica asked but I told her I needed to think about it," Mike said stepping closer to me, in an uncomfortable way. "Why did you do that? You should have totally said yes," I said to Mike with a plastered smile on face. "I did it because I-I really hoped that you'd ask me instead," said Mike. Crap! Why? Why did I say that I would ask him? "I would only if Jessica didn't ask but she did which confuses me why you didn't say yes, because I knew she really wanted to go with you," I said. 'Edward if you can here me right now I suggest you help me instead of standing by your car' I thought to myself desparately hoping Edward would come to my rescue. "I'm sorry Mike but I think you should accept Jessica's offer, I mean I'm probably not going to the spring dance since Charlie and I are going to work on building my room," I said to the now heart-broken boy. Also, that's right people I had convinced Charlie to turn the garage into my room, since sharing with Bella can be annoying at times."Ok then, Have a good rest of your day Alyssa," said Mike in a very sad tone.
I watched him walk away before I hoped into the truck, as I waited for Bella. I sat in there thinking back to the day I broke my arm (I mean it's still broken), all of my memories from that day came flooding back to my head. The screeching noises, Edward saving me and Bella's lives, meeting Carlisle Edward's adoptive father, finding out the Cullens are vampires, etc. I still owed Edward, but I know he wouldn't let me. Bella soon came in the truck, and off we went. Or so I thought, until Tyler came banging on Bells window asking if she'd ask him to the dance. Of course Bella said she wouldn't be in town, I knew it was because she hated dances, but one way or another I was going to get Bella to go to prom. Even if it meant I would suffer wearing a dress with her and heels for goodness sake! I was disturbed from my thought when I heard Tyler ask me if I was going to ask him to the dance. "I can't Tyler Charlie promised me we would build my bedroom that Saturday, sorry," I said. I wanted to go to that dance but building my room was more important to me.
Finally Bella drove us home, even if she muttered the whole way. I helped make chicken enchiladas for dinner with Bella. It was long, but we both survived. "Hey Bells did Charlie say when he was coming home today," I questioned the brunette? But before she could answer the phone rang. Bella answered it while I went to do her job. I could also hear Jessica scream threw the phone that Mike accepted her invite, which I was thankful for that Mike finally got the guts to do it. Bella hung up after a bit, and I was glad so we could get back to our sisterly bonding time by cooking dinner. "Charlie supposed to be here in a few minutes," Bells said completely ignoring the fact that she was just on the phone. 'That's my sister', I thought. Five minutes later Charlie came home and done his usual routine. Before he realized or smelled mexican food being cooked in the kitchen. We ate dinner after food was ready, and boy was it good!
"Dad?," Asked Bella.
"Yeah Bella?"
"Um, I just wanted to let you know I'm going to Seattle for the day a week from Saturaday . . .if that's ok?," Bella said.

I had decided to get up from my seat to put my dishes away, so I could leave them to converse. I then went upstairs to shower before Bella, and then I went to bed. Bella came in a few minutes later, and then went to bed. The next morning, I got dressed in a faded pink sweatshirt with my white t-shirt underneath, some jeans that flow out just a bit at the bottom, my cast for my arm, and lastily my black vans. I did my hair in dutch braids, before Bella and I left for school. When we got in the school lot, I noticed Bells parked as far away from Edward's car as she could. Once I got out of the parked truck I went straight over to my dearest friends. I ignored the stare's as I walked torwards the Cullens. "Hey Ali, Rose, Jas, Buffet Boy, and where's Edwardo," I said using the nicknames I gave them. "Hey Lyssa, Edward is over by Bella," said Alice. "Oh okay then," I said. I finally realized it was raining so I put my hood of my sweater up, and hid my cast the best I could from the rain. "Why am I called Buffet Boy," questioned Emmett with an offended look on his face. "I don't know how you don't get it. Your super buff so, the buff in buffet makes you Buffet Boy. It has nothing to do with food," I said. Emmett seemed to get it and then let out a small laugh. We said our goodbyes before we parted ways to our classes. I was excited for today and I don't know why.

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