Hands-on hip, she looked around and smiled. It was quite cosy and pretty.

They had a small kitchen with basic needs, a large study table, two sofas and a few bean bags. Jammed with books and magazines, a large shelf decorated the wall by the window.

Hermione smiled and looked around the space they would share for the next year.

She practically ran to her room to find all her belongings had already been brought up, and the decoration in the room was just to her liking.

She plopped down on the bed and looked around in awe.

The room was bright with red and yellow lamps, paintings of flowers, a soft yellow wallpaper, and a huge Gryffindor banner. The bed seemed comfortable, with plenty of pillows in various colours.

There was a door to her right, which she assumed to be the bathroom.

She jumped to her feet and opened the door. A gasp escaped her lips. It was massive, with a large shower cubicle and jacuzzi—benefits of being the chosen Head girl.

Hermione wrapped her arms around herself and squealed the bubble baths and long showers she would have. She was practically giddy with happiness.

A voice startled her, and she jumped out of her skin, "You impress easily, Granger. Have you never seen a bathroom before?"

He muttered under his breath, "Weasley would die of shock."

Draco looked around the bathroom lazily from the doorway to his room, "Looks like we're sharing the bathroom."

He smirked and purposely let his eyes rove over her body. He licked his lip and winked, "That should be fun."

Hermione went towards him angrily, but Draco grabbed her across the waist and pulled her into his room.

His face was dangerously close to hers, and despite the abruptness, she held her own.

Looking him directly in the eyes, Hermione hissed, "Let's get something straight. I would not sleep with or touch you if the human race depended on it."

Draco laughed sarcastically and tugged on her hair, "You have no idea what you're missing, pet."

She struggled out of his grasp and quickly looked around his room. It was very modern and elegant. Everything down to the lamp was either black, silver or green.

The bed he had was far larger than hers, with expensive silk bedding compared to her basic cotton. It made sense since he was over a foot taller than her.

His voice cut into her thoughts, "Let's set some fucking ground rules since I have to see your pathetic face every day."

Crossing her arms across her chest, she eyed him in annoyance and spat, "Go on, Malfoy."

Draco stepped back, leaned against the mahogany study desk, and eyed her intently.

He cleared his throat and hissed, "I don't want to see you snogging that Weasel fucker every time I walk into the dorm."

He added spitefully, "Take whatever the hell you want to do inside your fucking room."

Hermione waited for him to continue, but he stared at her expecting a reply.

Quite surprised by his only term, she nodded and fired back, "Fine, Malfoy. I'm listening."

She cocked her head to the side and grinned, "As long as you keep your conquests to your room because I'm well aware of your roam a cock, and I don't want random girls loitering around the common room."

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