"It's probably the tiger Dazai! [Y/n]!!" Atsushi exclaimed looking at the two of you.

You sighed at this and pulled away from your brother looking at the frightened boy "Not quite the wind might've knock something down" you stated trying to calm him down which didn't work.

"It's the man-eater! It track me down to eat me!!"

Your brother sighed as he slam the book close "Calm down Atsushi. Tigers don't suddenly appear out of nowhere" He stated calmly.

"How do you two know that for sure!?!" Atsushi accused looking at the two of you.

"Because something is not right with your story"

You then jump down the crate as you slowly walk a few feet in front of Atsushi "You see Atsu-chan, just because their finances went south why would an orphanage banish a poor helpless child? It's not in some provincial farming village from a bygone era, vanishing one or two mouths to feed would hardly put a dent in their deficit. But it'd make more sense to downsize by having to transfer half of the kids to a different orphanage"

After your explanation your brother jump down from the crate and joined beside you as Atsushi stood in front who seems at a lost for words.

"I-I don't understand,what are you talking about [Y/n]?"

Dazai decided to speak this time to the confuse boy "Think about it, you came to the city two weeks ago, the tiger also appeared two weeks ago and you told us you were in Tsurumi ward four days ago."

You watch as Atsushi turn to look up from the window where the moon shone brightly as he seem to be in a trance as Dazai continued to speak.

"According to reports,the tiger was also sighted there four days ago.Remember what Kunikida said? The Armed Detective Agency is compromised by individuals with super natural powers----"

You watch in front of you as Atsushi started to transform making both of your's and brother's guess right as the boy Atsushi was non other than the tiger himself.

" The orphanage knew who the tiger was,but out of fear they decline to enlighten you. You were the only one in the dark Atsu-chan" Your spoke as you look at him sadly.

"You also have supernatural powers, in the moon light you can transform into a wild beast" Your brother stated as both of you eyed the tiger.

The tiger growled as it charged at the two of you, grabbing your hand both you and Dazai leap away dodging it's attack.

It continues to chase after you two inside the warehouse trying to claw the two of you which you two dodges.

"An impressive display you could snap a person's neck" Your brother said after the tiger or Atsushi attempted to claw at you two again.

Both of you and your brother jump to a crate as you watch the tiger look at the two of you from above.

It then charges again but before it can claw the two of you, both of you jump back as you skid down the floor.

Your movements was stop as your shoes hit the side of the wall, trapping you two.

"Oops seems like we trap ourselves" You said as both you and Dazai turn around to face the tiger that was in front.

"Yeah, come to think about it," Dazai spoke as you glance at him questionably as the tiger roared loudly and leap towards the two of you "This isn't a bad way to meet our doom, being eaten by a tiger"

You chuckled at this as you focus back to the tiger who was now charging at the two of you.

"Not bad, but even all it's strength can't kill us" You said as both yours and Dazai's palm glowed.

ʙᴜɴɢᴏᴜ ꜱᴛʀᴀʏ ᴅᴏɢꜱ ║ 【Y/n】Dazai ║ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now