"Oh god, I feel like I'm gonna throw up." I whined, leaning into Mitchell and letting him keep his hands on my arms to steady me.

"I now remember why we never wanted to do that again." Mitchell laughed.

"Seriously how are you laughing right now?" I asked. My head was still spinning and my heart was racing, though it may not have entirely been due to the ride...

"Hallie?" I heard a voice ask, ending any response that Mitchell may have had on the top of his tongue.

I jumped away from Mitchell like he had shocked me, "Oh, Connor, hey! Umm, what's up?"

"Hey, I thought that was you," Connor replied with a cute half smile, "Hey man, what's up?" He asked turning to Mitchell.

"Hallie and I were just hanging out." Mitchell responded hardly. I knew that, after what Miles and Benji had told him, Mitchell was not a fan of Connor. His interactions with George had probably rubbed off on his opinion of Connor by association, and I wasn't stupid enough to dismiss the fact that Connor being my ex of sorts wasn't helping Mitchell's opinion on him.

"That's cool. My little sister, uh, her boyfriend just broke up with her. And Hallie, you know her favorite ice cream is from Marco's, so I'm just here to get it for her." Connor replied. He was trying to keep enthusiasm in his voice, but I could tell something was wrong.

"Oh no, tell her I'm sorry." I replied. I'd always loved his little sister, and I regretted that when Connor and I didn't work out, his sister and I lost touch.

"I will. Umm, I should probably get going. I'll see you guys around." Connor said, forcing a smile before he walked off.

I watched him walk away, only looking away when he was no longer in sight to see Mitchell looking at me.

"What is up with you two?" Mitchell asked, trying to sound nonchalant, but I could tell he was curious.

"Nothing!" I replied, probably just a tad bit too early, but I don't think he noticed. "It's just weird, you know?"

"Yeah, I guess." Mitchell replied, looking away. "Come on, I'm gonna win you a teddy bear." He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward one of the unbeatable ring toss stands.

"Mitchell, you're gonna waste your money! These things are unbeatable!" I laughed as he dragged me along.

"Well then we'll do this one," he replied, also laughing as we stood in front of a throwing game where you have to knock over all of the milk bottles.

"This one is also near impossible because of the way the bottles are weighted." I sighed with a smile on my face as I watched Mitchell hand the guy five bucks.

"Not impossible however, if you're a Varsity pitcher and captain of the baseball team, I might add." He boasted with a smirk.

"Alright, go ahead, but don't be surprised when you-" I was cut off by the smack of the ball as Mitchell knocked all but one of the bottles off of the stand, with one ball left to throw.

He wound up, sent me a wink, and launched the ball at the bottom of the last bottle, knocking it clean off.

"Which one do you want?" Mitchell asked, turning to me with his arms held out wide, waiting for me to praise him.

"I want the pink bear!" I told him, and the guy got it down for us. "Thank you, Mitchell."

"You're welcome Hallie. This is just the start of me making it up to you." He said with a soft smile.

I simply smiled back at him. If there were more pink bears in my future, I could get used to him making it up to me...


Mitchell and I ran around the boardwalk, riding rides, playing games, and talking like we used to all night. When we walked in the house, my mom gave me a smirk after seeing Mitchell and I laughing together, but I didn't care.

I got into bed with a smile on my face that only faded when I remembered how we saw Connor earlier, and how he seemed off.

He was different. He was still the same Connor, but he was finally not taking George's shit anymore. Though we both agreed that the night at the bonfire changed nothing, it did in my mind. Because now he was in my head again, and I was worrying about him again.

I was caring about someone who wouldn't care about me like I care about them, which was bad, but I was weak. So for the first time in almost a year, I pulled up his contact and texted him.

'hey. u ok? ;/'

And I knew Miles was right. And I knew there was a problem. And the problem? I had two boys in my mind... and I didn't know which one I liked better.

I set my phone down on my nightstand, instantly regretting the text I sent. But of course, the second it vibrated I picked it back up to check the response.

'fine. thanks for checking on me ;)'

'u sure? u seemed a bit off today.' 'i'm always here for u connor <3'

The typing bubble appeared and then disappeared, about three times before his response finally came.

'ur right. i'm not ok, can i come over?'

Damnnn what y'all thinking now? Connor or Mitchell? What do you think is up with Connor?
my story time is below, it changes by date bc so much happened in the time is took me to publish this chapter I'm so sorry. Anywayyyy ily!!

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