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(A/N , I had a lot of ideas for this book and I don't want them to be wasted, so I am going to be posting here but please be a little patient with updates. Life isnt giving me the best things this past few days)


"Hi guys!! So sorry I have to make this quick. Grayson is in the washroom and it's time, time to tell him and you, I am pregnant, I am having a child, so before I get too into I am going g to show you my plan, he is in the washroom, I ordered this mug and at the bottom of it, it says you're going to be a dad. I am going to feel it up with his coffee and hopefully when he is done drinking it, he freaks out." I explained

I make avocado toast and coffee put his plate and the mug on the table.

"Good morning." He says packing my forehead then sitting down on his seat.

I smiled at the camera.

I nervously waited for the moment he starts drinking the coffee,

It had been 10 minutes when he began drinking it.

After taking a few sips he took a sip and he spit it out.

"What?!" He says

I smile, he stands up, his chair falling down, he pulls me into a hug as we both end up crying.

"Finally, after months of trying." He says while squeezing me

"It feels surreal, and scary," I sy honestly

"We've dreamt about this our whole life, girl we got this." He says


Short and simple for today.

Grayson Dolan Imagines (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें