Tragic News

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There was some difficulties with the dwarves and Loki has been gone for almost two months. I missed him very much. I needed his real touch and not him just projecting in my chambers and dreams. In my sleep, Loki conjured us to be next to a lake.

"I am coming back to you tomorrow." I beamed up with excitement.

"Truly? I can not wait Loki!" He smirked.

"Yes truly. I can not wait either. I hate not being able to touch you and see our child grow within you."

I sighed with despair.

"It has been hard being without you. You have no idea how much I miss you."

"Embla, you do not understand how badly I crave for your real affection, a projection can only do so much. I need you to be by my side."

"I know. I feel the same way Loki." He stroked my cheek gently.

"Just wait until this touch is real," I concentrated hard on the feeling of his skin.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

My eyes opened and his touch has been forgotten. Loki seemed like a long, distant fantasy, as if he doesn't truly exist. His child in me, is the only reminder that he is real...

I waited for Loki on the Bifrost, and it seemed like centuries. I stood there uneasily as Heimdall just stood there, silent. I kept waiting.

"Be patient, Princess Embla, he is coming." Heimdall broke the intense silence.

"Thank you." I replied quietly. I waited just a little longer until the Bifrost finally opened. My heart raced as soon as I saw people walk through. When I found Loki, I ran to him and embraced him tightly. He hugged me back while pulling my face against his lips.

"I've missed you so much, my darling." I told him.

"You have no idea how desperately I wanted this to come." I took his hands and guided him away from the Bifrost.

"Where are you taking me Embla?" He asked, grinning. I formed a mischievous smirk on my lips.

"Away with me."

I took him to one of the many balconies, so we could be alone. I pressed my lips upon his as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled away and stared down at my small growing belly.

"How is our child?" I giggled while rubbing my stomach.

"It's growing fast."

"Have you thought of a name?" He asked.

"No, of course not. We still have time Loki. I kept-" I was interrupted by fast appoaching footsteps. Loki pushed me behind him and there were two guards running.

"What is wrong?" Loki growled.

"Princess Embla, your  mother has fallen gravely ill and request your immediate presence."

What?! My mother?! How could she be ill? I went numb and felt the curse starting.

"Loki take me to an empty hall, quickly!"

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