without you

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Now, 3rd POV

 Kirishima wake up the next morning with his messy hair and he just sit up feel like don't want to do anything but he have to because he have to look after I kids. his auntie child, three girls and one boy and the boy is the youngest. The older girls is like 9 or 10 years old and the youngest is like 3 or 2 years old. by the way, today is his kirishima first day of before the graduation ceremony and he have to look after three girls because his aunt and her husband go somewhere with the youngest one in the morning so he have to cook for the kids with his little sister. Her name is eri and she about the same ages as one of the girls, likes 5 or 6 years old and she is have a secret like her big brother Kirishima.

He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, wash his face but he didn't do his hair like he usually do and put his natural hair because he just want to stay home today and spent his time with the kids. he go to the kitchen to cook food for the girls and when he finish he went to the girls room and wake them up gently then he place a kiss on his little sister on the cheek to wake her up and she hug him for to carry her so he did and went to the bathroom with the girls to help them but of course he don't have to help the older girl but he braid her hair do to the rest of the girls and when the girls done they're go the dinner table to sit down and they eat. They talked and play after the finish the foods till they nap for the afternoon. They lay down next to each other and he lay in between the girls to read the stories for them or sing for them to put them to sleep so they did and he fall sleep after check the girls to make sure they're sleep. 

They wake up after the mom and dad home with the younger and foods for them and they all ate once again and talk or play. when night come he went to the girls room again to tell them bed time stories and he go back to his room when they sleep and he also sleep. The days went by just like that. sometime he went out with his friend like mina, kaminari or sero and his sister sometime and so on till the graduation day and his aunt and family come to his graduate and take picture and when he take picture with hid little sister he feel like someone look at him and he just ignore it and when he going to take picture with his friend what he saw his broke his heart because there it is bakugou take picture with uraraka and she holding the flower and it just the two of them and it break his heart but he forces on his friend and family because today is he happier day.

He and bakugou did meet each other eyes and kirishima just give him his best smile showing his teeth and he went back to his family to go home and so they went home. the night come and kirishima lay on his bed and he just thinking back to bakugou words like " no matter what we still be bestfriend even after we graduate from high school or in collage we'll be together forever." when kirishima think of that words his tears fall down from his eyes and he keep crying one again because he not ok but when he think about his family he is happy and thanks that he have a nice family and he smile and went to sleep.

Bakugou on the other hand he don't know what to do because his mother want he take picture with uraraka and he don't want to but seem like uraraka mother as well wanted her to take picture with him and because they haven't  told their family that they are not together anymore. they do take picture anyway and he saw kirishima and they meet in the eyes and when kirishima give him a smile  he curse under his breath and think that why is kirishima have to be so freaking cute. he saw kirishima walk up to his family and going home and bakugou wanting to talk to him but he don't know what to say to him so he didn't chase after him and he also went home and told his family that he and uraraka broken up and he went up to his room not want to see his mother and father reaction. He also lay on his bed and keep thinking about kirishima and just went to sleep and he miss him so much. 


That is for today because it's boring this time and it's kinder short.       

The only him.(bakushima) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora