This went on for a few minutes, my screaming barely reaching their ears as I bit my tongue to keep them inside.

When the pain stopped, I slumped forward and panted heavily.

"What are you?" The first druid asked.

I lifted my head and glared at their masked faces.

"I don't know what answer you want! I am Saoirse, a paladin of Voltron! Nothing more!"

They still didn't like my answer, so they electrocuted me over and over, but I kept telling them the same thing. I am a Paladin of Voltron, Saoirse Shirogane. Nothing more, nothing less.


I flew the Red Lion to the fallen Black Lion, but I saw something fly towards it. I maximized my screen and saw a large Galra man with glowing eyes and red armor

"Whoa, who is that?" I asked.

"It's Zarkon!" Coran gasped, "Keith, we need to get away from here, now. He's too powerful."

I felt nothing but a drive to end this once and for all. Who knows what would happen to the universe if I didn't act on this chance.

"This is my chance to put an end to the Galra Empire! I have to take it!" I said in blind rage.

I pushed Red Lion fly at speeds I didn't know it could reach, firing its laser at the Galra Emperor. The laser hit Zarkon and smoke covered his form. I flew over him, but as the smoke cleared, I revealed a perfectly unscathed Zarlon protected by a large purple shield.

Zarkon held his Black Bayard tightly in his hand, forming a sword and swinging it at me. A powerful energy wave erupted from the sword and flung its way towards us, hitting the Red Lion hard.

My alarms were blaring in my ear and the red lights in my cockpit were flashing on and off.

I quickly steadied the Red Lion and began to attack again. My Lion and I growled in anger as we watched Zarkon stand tall on the ship, ready to fight us.


I made it into the ship and ran down the ship bay. Suddenly, I heard the something behind me. I I around and saw the bay doors close quickly, locking me inside.

"So, Champion returns." I gasped hearing a raspy voice speak to me. I turned back around and saw an old woman in a long cloak. Her white hair and deep blue skin made it clear who she was. The old witch haggar from my time in the Galra prisons.

"You!" I growled, powering on my arm and charging at her. Haggar laughed as she appeared and disappeared all around me, taunting me as I kept attempting to hit her.

"I made you strong and this is how you repay me?" Haggar asked as she disappeared from my attacks again and again.

"What have done with my sister?" I shouted demanding an answer.

"Sister?" She questioned, "Oh, you mean that little blue eyed paladin. She's being well taken care of by my druids."

She stretched the word 'well' in her sentence.  If she had hurt her, even giving her a scratch, I would have my first kill. I growled in pure rage, "What did you do to her?" I demanded.

Haggar smiled maliciously, chuckling as her glowing yellow eyes stared into my soul.

"She will break, eventually. Perhaps she'll reveal what she really is." She said.

That was the final straw. I charged at the witch, trying to hit her, but my hand was caught.

I went to look at Haggar, but instead, I saw myself. His eyes were glowing and he was dressed in Galra prison rag uniforms. Haggar transformed herself into a clone if myself, laughing as I squirmed in pain from her grip.

The Silver PaladinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang