Final chapter, Chapter 12

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'So you do like me then?'

They were both sitting on the couch in the lounge room, Jennie resting her head in Lisa's lap. Lisa was still not 100% sure if Jennie liked her back.

'What do you think, Lisa?' Jennie said, gazing up at Lisa with flirty eyes.

Lisa laughed, trying to cover up her non-stop blushing.

'I kissed me, but that doesn't necessarily mean you – uh -' Lisa said, feeling nervous, suddenly.

'Of course I like you.' Jennie said, sitting up so she could face Lisa properly.

'You do know that people only exchange kisses on the lips when they have a special attraction to each other...' she whispered, into Lisa's ear.

Before they could do anything else, the door of their mansion opened. Rose and Jisoo came running in.

'Heeeyyy guys!' Rose said, throwing herself down next to Lisa.

She winked at Jisoo.

' was your morning?' she asked, batting her eye innocently.

Lisa and Jennie both frowned.

'Yeah, it was great. Loved the prank, Rose.' Lisa spat.

'Hey! It wasn't ALL me!" Rose protested. 'Jisoo took part in it as well!'

Jisoo laughed.

'But, tell us...has anything...changed?' she asked, lifting an eyebrow.

Lisa looked at Jennie, who looked back, the flirty look in her eyes gone, and replaced with an embarrassed look.

'Wellll......' Lisa said, feeling nervous.

Jennie took Lisa's hand in hers.

'Yes.' Jennie said. 'Yes, your stupid little prank worked.'

Hearing this, Rose and Jisoo jumped up, screaming and high-fiving each other.

Lisa sighed and covered her eyes.

'How embarrassing...' she mumbled.

Jennie just laughed and hugged Lisa.


That night, Lisa went over to Jennie's room, and threw herself onto Jennie, who was sitting up in her bed using her phone.

'Ahr!' Jennie cried, surprised from the sudden attack. 'Aish, Lisa...what are you doing?'

Lisa grinned.

'Am I not allowed to give my bae a hug?' Lisa asked, in a "cute" way.

'Well, you can, but you're not supposed to JUMP on me!' Jennie yelled in response.

'Okay, fine, grump frumpy.' Lisa grumbled, getting off Jennie and sitting next to her.

'Whatcha' doin'?' Lisa asked, glancing at Jennie's phone.

'Oh nothing much. Just going through some Instagram posts...' she said. 'There's a lot of Jenlisa things on here, y'know.'

Lisa laughed.

'Speaking of...' she said. 'When do you think we should tell the public about, y'know, our relationship?'

Jennie paused. She put her phone down and faced Lisa, linking their hands together.

'I dunno...' she said. 'We should tell those closest to us, like family, but...I'm not sure about anyone else, though...'

Lisa nodded.

'Yeah, I agree. It might be best to not tell the public and our Blinks yet. I don't think our managers should know either, as of now.' Lisa said.

They both were silent for a few seconds, their eyes locked with each other. They moved closer and closer to each other until.................................................they both burst out laughing.

Perhaps their relationship still needed some work on. Despite that, they were both comfortable with each other. They knew each other's secrets and shared the same feelings for each other. They had decided to keep their relationship on the down-low, but they promised each other that, one day, they would go public........whenever that day may be.

But for now, they would only occasionally kiss, they would snuggle together at night (don't be dirty-minded. Not snuggly in that way), and they would hug and comfort each other when either of them were sad or not feeling 100%.

~So, yeah! That concludes this fanfiction! Anyone who actually reads up to this part (I'll be surprised cause this story is long and slow), stay healthy and stay HAPPY! 👍😉

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