When they arrived at home they saw Jazz's car was gone."Serves them right for working with the freak." Maddie said. They got out their weird vehicle and when they entered the house they saw it was trashed."Serves you right." Was written on the walls using jams and jellies.

They went upstairs to Danny's room and saw it was practically empty. The only thing left behind was the bed, the computer monitor, the dresser and Danny's desk. Maddie opened Danny's closet and saw it was empty.

"Looks like they are going to try and break Phantom free. Everything is gone." Jack said."And whatever information was on his computer is gone. We never made our own copies. To make it worse we don't have the damn IP address." Maddie said.

"It was probably just games and fake school work files." Jack said."Go check that idiot daughter of ours room." Maddie said and Jack found the same. An empty room with nothing but furniture.

"We have to go on, carefully what we do and what we tell the public to believe."

"Actually this works for our advantage. We'll just tell the press once they notice that dear old Danny, Sam, Tucker, Jazz and Valarie ran away and went to the Ghost Zone where they are untraceable."

"Yeah, it would also force those idiots to stay low." Jack said.

The next morning they arrived at the headquarters of the Guys in White. They went down to the lower levels of the building , where they kept Danny trapped like an animal. When they arrived at his cells they saw that he was fast asleep. His chest was slowly rising and going back down, although it was slower than human's breathing.

The glass separating them retracted into the roof but it didn't wake up Danny until Jack kicked Danny in his ribs. Danny grunted in pain. He got on his knees and clutched his ribs. Almost immediately a bruise was starting to form. Danny was shaking.

He haven't eaten anything in the past two days and he just got kicked in the ribs. Maddie undid the cuffs and grabbed Danny by his hair. Danny didn't know what hurt more. His ribs or his hair that's being pulled on.

"Those aren't hair extensions." Danny said only for Maddie to stop and then look down at Danny who was sending nasty glares at them. Maddie brought her foot up and also kicked Danny but this time in the stomach.

Danny was breathing heavily. Maddie continued on with Jack right behind her. "Hun, put him on the table while I get the scalpels ready." Maddie said and simply just dropped Danny to the floor. Jack picked Danny up by pulling him on his wrists.

Danny grunted in the sudden movement in his torso. Jack threw him to the table. Danny slid down the side. Jack came towards him and then grabbed Danny's face."You won't be able to escape and no one will ever find you." Jack said. Danny simply frowned and spat in Jack's face.

"Urgh, we're gonna have to break that rebellion act of his." Maddie said and puts down the latex gloves she was about to put on."What do you have in mind?" Jack asked as he wiped away the spit.

Danny tried to stand up but Jack punched Danny down to the floor. Danny almost landed weirdly which could've lead him to breaking more than just his ribs.

"Get the whips and ecto-ranium." Maddie said. She pulled out the remote that controlled the collar on Danny. She pushed the button and a small needle poked Danny from behind. He stood perfectly still. Mostly because he couldn't due to the needle.

Maddie then pressed another button and it injected something through the needle. Danny screamed as he felt the liquid starting to burn his throat. The needle pulled back."What...was...that?" He asked barely able to speak."That's classified but if you must know, it's just a precaution for one of your abilities." Danny's eyes widen.

His Ghostly Wail...he can't use it. His most powerful ability is neutralized...he is doomed. Jack came back with the whips and jars full of ecto-ranium.

"Aw...I missed it?" He said."Don't worry, hun." Maddie said but then she whispered something into his ears and he smirked. Jack got some cuffs out and he puts it on Danny's wrists extra tight. Danny could barely move his hands.

Maddie went to a computer and then a hook appeared from out of the roof with a chain hanging from it. Jack pulled said chain down and hooked Danny to it."Please... don't." Danny begged but it was soft and hoarse.

"Oh, look. It's begging. It's a start." Maddie said. She typed something in the laptop and Danny was lifted up to the roof roughly. He screamed when he felt the cuffs cutting his wrists. Tears started to fall as the blood dripped on his head."Those hideous clothes are in the way." Maddie said. Jack used a scalpel to cut the clothes off but also intentionally giving Danny cuts on his torso.

Danny cried as they stripped him from his clothes leaving him in his black boxers. Maddie took a picture of Danny. Danny felt embarrassed and just wanted to kill himself right there and then.

Maddie puts down the camera and went over to the whips. She dipped them in the jars of the ecto-ranium, pulled it out and immediately she whipped Danny across his chest. Danny felt a jolt of pain going through his entire body where the whip made contact. He screamed and tried to lift himself up to the roof but the cuffs hurt his wrists so much that he couldn't. Danny looks down at his chest and saw the mark was left across his entire stomach.

"I want a turn!" Jack said."Whip his back." Maddie said as she gave the whip to Jack. Maddie quickly dipped the other one for herself. Danny screamed or at least tried to when Jack whipped Danny.

I must stay strong... I'll get out of here one day... someday.

Maddie saw that flash of hope across Danny's face."Jack, look. He still has hope. He really thinks he is getting out of this." Maddie said. Jack looked at Danny."Why are you referring to it as 'him', he isn't even human."

"Again, you're right. It isn't a human."

"You know...IT refers to a demon clown." Danny croaked out."Well, you are a clown with those snarky comments that will get you nowhere." Maddie said and whipped Danny again almost on the same place as the first time."And you are a demon... not human and not a ghost." Jack said and whipped Danny as well.

Danny gave them another glare. Jack got mad and whip Danny across his face. Danny screamed. A scar now ran from the left top side of his face down to his right cheekbone.

"I'm sorry...did that hurt?" Maddie mocked. Danny growled at them but then both of them started to whip at Danny continuously until they got tired. Danny's blood actually splattered across the walls near him and a little bit on the equipment. Danny coughed up blood.

"Now look at the mess you made." Maddie said."Isn't it beautiful, Mads? Its blood is all over the place." Jack said and gave a hug from behind Maddie."It is." Maddie said. She kissed Jack making Danny want to puke up whatever is left in his stomach.

They pulled back."So should we start cutting him open?" Jack asked."Yes. Let's go." The look of horror on Danny's face made the Fenton's even more excited to cut him open.

Maddie commanded the hook to release Danny and he dropped to the floor making him scream again.

As Maddie got latex gloves on Jack tied Danny up to the table. Danny breathed heavily as he tried hard to ignore the pain. But it was hard.

He heard the snap of the latex gloves snapping against human skin and when he turned to look over at Maddie, he saw her pushing a cart full scalpels towards the operating table.

"Let's begin shall we?"

Who is going to save me?-My Hero Academia and Danny Phantom Crosscoverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن