Chapter 1 The Fateful Meeting

Start from the beginning

"The thing I hate most about this is not you spit on my face but the fact you think you can stare at me like were equals. After doing such a heinous act towards me and not looking at me with fear in your eyes. I guess I have to give you a reminder of who you should you fear." He said as he brings the butter knife to his face.

Couple Moments Later

"I guess I did my job of showing you who's boss now I need to go pick up more drinks don't die or do at least you died knowing who was more superior." He said as he spit on the kid who faced was covered by the shadows. He then turned around got into his car and started going to the market. 

As he turns his light on, we see a glimpse of Bakugou the left side of his face had a cut mark going all the way to the forehead to straight down the side of his neck. The cut mark went over his eye making him completely covered in blood now.

 The cut mark went over his eye making him completely covered in blood now

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Time skip A Month

Bakugou Pov

'I guess there is someone out there looking out for me because that very night that bastard got what was coming to him and that was a trunk trucker running a red light. People always so no matter the person accidents are always sad. I couldn't have disagreed more. I guess someone was also nice enough to call 911 cause a few moments after he left an ambulance came rushing in almost ran me over. The doctors say it a miracle I didn't lose my eyesight from my left eye. The doctors also say the cut mark will leave a scar that would not be able to fade with time.'

(Author Note: Think of the Ban scar from seven deadly sins but goes all the way up to the left side of his forehead reaching his hair going across his eye)

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(Author Note: Think of the Ban scar from seven deadly sins but goes all the way up to the left side of his forehead reaching his hair going across his eye)

'After he died, I thought me, and my adoptive mother could have a normal life with him gone. Like most things in my life I guessed wrong. She had started doing pills when she started having trouble paying the bills. She started to have random guys around. She usually hid them when a lady in a suit came to aspect the house. One day she took a drug from a pill bottle I had never seen before. She got mad and started yelling at me cursing me and my existence. She got a knife, but I escaped before things took a turn for the worse.'

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