Chapter 1 The Fateful Meeting

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'Inner Monologue/Thoughts'

"Normal Speech"

'" Telepathy Speech"' 

Location: Bakugou Adoptive Parents house

Bakugou Pov:

AGE: 4

"I remember flying or at least fell like I was flying. I remember my so-called flight very well. I found it being quite peaceful. The most peaceful I found myself enjoying in my almost five years of living in this shitty world we all like to call home. Even thought I was at my most peaceful I couldn't think of anything I wouldn't give to live in another. I think it lasted about three to five seconds but to me it lasted longer than I was alive because at that moment I never felt more alive than I did at that moment. It was the best moment in my life but much like all good things it came to a crashing halt."

Third Person:

A figure could be seen getting throw out a second-floor window of a small run-down apartment. The figure was quite small about 3 feet maybe a little more than that. It wore a black shirt and a pair of green cargo shorts. 

It had a mop of blond hair with traces of red in it. If looked at a little closer, it could be guessed that the figure was male, white, and maybe 4 years old. As the kid hit the floor it looked like the boy tried to scream in pain, but the pain was to great that no sound came out.

If looked at from the second floor they could see the child had some injuries clearly not from the fall since he landed on his back. His nose is broken and some of his teeth are missing. His body seems to be twitching from the pain. He also has a black eye on the left side of his face.

As the child twitches from the pain. A man walks out of the room that the child was seen to fly out off. He is seen wearing some black slacks and a dress shirt. He also noticeably has a small butter knife in his hand. 

He walks down to the area of where the boy landed and looks at the boy in disgust as he gets in front of him. He stares the broken boy down with a glare evident on his face. He then kicked the most likely already broken ribs.

Bakugou Pov:

'All I could feel is pain there wasn't a part of my body that I didn't feel like cutting off to get rid of the pain. I wanted to scream so badly but I couldn't find myself able to. It if my own body rejected the action. I could barely see threw my left eye while the other was blurry. The only thing I could make out where little white dots in the sky. I didn't even know where I was or how I got into this situation in the first place. Until I felt a sharp pain to my side, and I felt my body roll a bit until I was staring back at the sky. I wasn't even able to clutch my side because that would simply cause more pain.'

Third Pov:

The man who kicked Bakugou gained a wicked smile on his face seeing Bakugou in pain. He then crouched to the side of Bakugou wounded body and picks him up by the collar so their eye to eye. "Did you really think just because you had a quirk for a couple of months that you could really go against me." The man said with a tone filled with arrogance and pride. 

At this current moment because of the pain he couldn't even remember who this man name was or how he knew him. The only thing he did know was that he hated him with all his being, so he did the only thing that came to mind beside all the pain.

He spit in the man face and with the remaining energy he had he open his left eye to stare directly into the face who he felt so much hatred for. Once he opened his eye, he met a face of pure anger with the blood he spit in his face still there. The man didn't say anything still looking at Bakugou with pure hatred in his eyes.

Monkey D. Bakugou: The Number One MonsterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin